Being of two worlds and having one foot in each. Someone who is equally focused in both the physical and astral worlds.
As the woman peered out at the lake her presence took on a half-astral radiance.

His half-astral vibe heightened as he was communing with a Spirit who sought his attention.
by PaintsWithWords October 20, 2022
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A Swedish underground metal band that has a singer whose voice sounds similar to Ronnie James Dio. Their most common lyrical themes involve social issues and religion. Founded in 2002, they made four albums and have toured mostly throughout Scandinavia.
I once heard this song on the Radio. I thought it was Dio, but they are the Astral Doors.
by ownvamp June 29, 2009
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Astral shifting is where the Shifter goes into the spirit world (astral plane) and shifts there. It can take a while to work yourself into the right frame of mind for this, so it's not as easy as aura shifting, which you can do anywhere and get away with. Dreaming of shifting into your animal form or of being in your animal form counts as Astral Shifting also.
I had a Astral shifting today i went into my astral plane
by nighttherian February 11, 2016
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When you put a napkin or tissue over your paranormal peen and then ejaculate propelling the tissue into the air. While it is in the air you must say "Oooo Spooky," or you get visited by the Spiritual Semen.
Bro I just commenced Astral Procumtion. "Oooo Spooky".
by The butter man January 14, 2020
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The ability to leave you're body in soul/spirit state.
Last Night I Watched Myself Sleep and then I flew away which refers of the action of Astral Projection.
by mrb20990 April 11, 2011
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The place you visit during astral projection. If you are using LSD to achieve this, beware of getting stuck on the astral plane. If you are not using it, you should know that you basically have powers while there.
by 1 2 X U August 31, 2015
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The ability to project your subconscious mind forward, in the form of a astral body. Not a proven phenomenon.
by TechKnow July 31, 2004
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