Bob: man I am so healthy but I don t want to go to school
Jotaro: you need to try this thing called Asthma
by Arturkas August 10, 2020
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A defect when being born Wich can be asthma A or asthma B most dangerous is asthma A but still they both can kill you. They are allergic reactions Wich don't let you breath, this allergic reaction are only caused to people with the defect, smoke, hard exercise (mostly cardio), and some colognes can cause the allergy, it can be cured by age, or you can do a lot of cardio but with the pump wich can help you or swim, these can help you endure so you can survive an asthma attack
I have asthma that's why use this pump
by Female_Body_Inspector April 23, 2019
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When you stub your toe and it can't breathe and it gets asthma
by mosslands fc March 13, 2018
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A girl that has a large butt or rear end that is appealing to other men.
Tyron Williams: Homey, check out this girls butt.

Michael Runtenburg da 3rd: OOOOOEEEEEE That girl has so much asthma she needs an inhaler...oooooeeeee!

Tyron: OOOOEEEEE (While high fiving Michael Runtenburg da 3rd's hand)
by Amit Soni October 2, 2010
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Hott girl or guy that takes your breath away.
Man, everytime he is around I have an asthma attack.
by Diane the BITCH July 9, 2005
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A serious disease. Do to one's Bronchial Tube swelling and oxygen not being able to pass through ones system easly. If you have asthma then there is a pretty good chance that you are allergic to something.Asthma is something to be taken serouisly. A common steriotype is that asthma is found in only fat kids and nerds. If someone has an asthma attack, then they will probably use something called an inhaler or a "puffer". If you have it bad enough, it may be fatal. It may heal over time and it may devlope over time too.
See: weezing
Girl: Wanna play soccer?
girl 2: Sorry, i'm going out to get a new inhaler. Can I play after?
Girl: You have asthma?
Girl 2: Obvy...
by Lizzie_the_great September 27, 2005
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Asthma is a serious disease found in many people, fat or thin, nerdy or cool - some of the top atheletes in the world suffer asthma and take medication before they participate in their atheletic events.

Suffered by millions in the world, asthma is a chronical disease to the respiratory system and can be triggered by almost anything: cold air, allergens, cold food, and/or certain enviroments.

Treating asthma can vary from a simple inhaler medication (ASMOL Inhaler), a flixotide inhaler (is a preventer, and helps prevent serious asthma attacks), liquid asmol misted by a nebuliser (comes in larger doses) many other types of anti-biotics and the immune steroid, Prednislone, and Prednisolone.

Prednislone is an immune steroid, which effects a vast area of the immune system, you could almost say all of it.
Prednislone is severely dangerous if mis-used and can kill you.
Patients who take prednislone for longer than 7 days must slowly reduce the dose untill they have weeded their body off the drug, it replaces the bodies natural steroids and with the source of these steroids instantly dropping, your body would stop functioning correctly, possibly causing many life-threatening diseases.

Side effects of the drug include:
• depression, mania, or other psychiatric symptoms
• unusual fatigue or weakness
• blurred vision
• abdominal pain
• peptic ulcer
• infections
• painful hips or shoulders
• acne breakouts
• insomnia
• reduced libido

• weight gain
• Stretch Mark
• facial swelling
• nervousness
• acne
• rash
• increased appetite
• hyperactivity
(thanks to wikipedia for the side effects)
Son: Mom, I think I'm getting asthma.
Mom: We need to take you to a doctor straight way. He'll give you a prescription for flixotide and some ventolin nebules.
Son: Thanks mum.
by Stephen Mills April 11, 2007
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