The breeding grounds of the Kardashians
Armenia breeds the most Kardashians per capita in the world.
by Giovanni Mbabane December 26, 2017
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1. n. A country in the Caucasus
2. n. The source of the most delicious pedestrians

3. adj. enlightened
The county of Armenia borders Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, and Iran.
"Hey, you gonna eat those Armenians?"
The Armenian people have a well-informed outlook.
by ScrambledArmenianPedestrians October 29, 2020
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You know you're Armenian when...
1. Asked where he's from, your dad may reply "I'm hye." People will never look at you the same way.
2. You're last name ends with either "ian" or "yan".
3. You live in Los Angeles County. If you don't many of your relatives do, in the areas north of Hollywood. (Glendale, Burbank, etc.)
4. Your family considers the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide a national day of mourning.
5. Your parents are still holding a grudge over the genocide, and hate Turks with a passion.
6. Church is attended as a social event.
7. Often, when your family meets other Armenians, it's realized that you're all related.
8. Dolmeh: You either hate it or love it.
9. Though you are not rich, you enjoy luxuries such as brand name clothing, jewlery, nice cars, and more.
10. After watching "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", you were shocked to realize that your own relatives resemble many of the characters.
11. Your parents were probably born in Iran, and fled the country before or during the war.
12. Though you were never taught the language, you are able to understand Iranian (Farsi).
13. No matter what kind of music you listen to, System of a Down rocks!
14. You have to applaud the Armenians for trying to change the ghetto of East Hollywood.
15. You are from one of the best countries in the world.
Since telling her we are "hye",my teacher thinks my family is into drugs. My last name is Kevakian. I live in La Crescenta, California. I wear black on April 24. My parents hate Turks, but I think I can forgive them for their shameful past. My future husband can most likely be found at our church. The new guy who works at the bakery is my dad's cousin's husband's uncle's wife's nephew. I could eat dolmeh everyday of my life. Yesterday I bought a $100 purse at Coach. I think the producers of "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" met my family somewhere and thought we were from Greece. My parents were born in Tehran, and both moved before the Iran-Iraq War. Who needs Spanish?! Knowing Armenian, Farsi, and English will get me a decent job in LA! I like rap and hip-hop, yet I have every CD from System of a Down. Sure, East Hollywood is still full of hookers, drugs, and cheap bars, but hey, they managed to get that "Little Armenia" sign up; it's a start, right? I'm from Armenia, one of the best countries in the world.
by **DrEaMaKeR** August 14, 2005
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A country whose main population was displaced by the 1915 Turkish genocide, still denied by Turkey 90 years on.

Ah, no matter, that didn't stop Armenians making the world rock. System of a Down, Zildjian cymbals and even the one and only MADDOX are Armenian!

You can tell an Armenian surname if it ends in either -ian or -yan.
"Name just ONE thing that damned country gave us!"


"Oh...shit.....ok, name another! Yeah!"




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A country nearly eradicated by genocide by the Turks. If anyone denies this happed, they've never read history or examined the cold hard facts. The other person who defined this term needs to enrol in a class on brains.
The Nazi Holocaust in Germany is comparable to the Armenian genocide.
by Mosiah May 20, 2005
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A country that was pretty much screwed over when the Turks invaded and killed everybody, but nobody seems to give a shit.
I am Armenian-Irish.
by Hi my name is Roxi January 21, 2006
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