She is a beautiful girl who anyone would kill to be. She can be a tad annoying and pretty much uses social media to show off everything she does, but she’s still very funny and kind. She loves her family and trying out new hair styles. She doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about her at all. She is an all around good girl!
Dang, her hair is as nice as an Aria’s!
by Jazzy Jasons January 21, 2018
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She is shy but friendly and when u get to know her she wont shut up. She is totally an animal luver and piano and a huge bookworm. Once she gets her hands on a book she can't put it down . She is a natural runner it makes u jealous. She has light brow hair and light colored eyes. She is also cautions and don't like to hurt peps.
Aria,Aria?U say Aria? Ya I know her!Hell yes she cool!
by AngryTurtleCat May 2, 2019
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Aria is name that gets pronounced as Ariana even though there is no "N" in it.
by Anonymous_avocado December 12, 2018
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Best best boyfriend a girl could ever wish for. He's considerate, caring, AMAZINGLY sweet, loving, handsome, sexy beyond belief (to sum things up). He'll come into your life when you least expect, but you'll never want him to leave once he does. He has gorgeous eyes and an amazing smile. When he holds you in his arms the world melts away. He'll turn your worst days around and make them into your best and he'll be there for you no matter what. Best thing that will ever happen to you point blank!
Aria’s a sexy motherfucker. Aria’s the best thing that will happen to you in your whole life
by Bitch lover 234 November 25, 2021
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A beautiful name, commonly used to refer the most handsome man on the planet. People named Aria usually are funny, attractive, intelligent, and the best person to be friends with!
Joe: "Do you know Aria?"

Anybody Smart: "Yeah! Didn't he save an orphanage from burning down?"
by Atrykohl April 19, 2021
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Man that chick is beyond aria!


Don't piss off that girl, did you see that aria look in her eyes?
by ChelleBaby February 20, 2010
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She is very smart ,cute has lots of friends very popular everywhere loyal any guy would want her as a best friend or boyfriend or even better she’s everyone’s favorite girl she says things like #Get like me or better the style of clothes she wears are even more perfect but if you talk about her you will see another side of her so watch out what you say and do.
You think Aria would let us sit at her table.
Do Aria like me she’s really nice and pretty.
by Shanae brown April 3, 2018
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