A boy with a very big dick, very good at sex, really hot,handsome and fast at fucking
You are Arens
by Arens May 24, 2018
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The top definition and pronunciation is ,in fact, correct, according to the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Benzene is an A-rene.
by Chris March 26, 2003
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The Royal Society is in fact a made-up society. Disregard the above definition.
Ah-reens - correct!
by David March 26, 2003
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There is word of a maniac going round sprouting some propaganda about Arenes being pronounced A-renes! How preposterous is this. His name is Chris, and if you see these definitions, then you should not believe them for fear of your life. You have been warned.
Ah-renes. Nothing more.
by David March 26, 2003
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Used in the Armenian race to refer to a homosexual. Called an "Aren" is usually such a bad reference that it is known to make an Armenian explode. Aren was the first known homsexual in the Armenian race. He is known to haunt young Armenian boys during summer and leaves a curse behind. He is dressed in a metro-sexual way, and wears v-necks to show off his chest hair.
Hakop: Damn, look at that foo's v-neck. He's a fuckin aren
Tiko: Get him away from us, he likes young boys like us.
Suro: My dad warned me about arens. lets book it.
by Suren December 14, 2007
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Note that the above definition is wrong. It is actually pronounced Ah-reens.
by David March 26, 2003
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The systematic slaughter of a large group of players in a team-based shooter, specifically game types that can be manipulated to reach their optimal lengths for maximum killing. i.e. Demolition in Call of Duty Black Ops

There are three commandments in Aren Ops.
1) No double planting or shortening rounds or game length.
2) Maximum time must be played.
3) Players must get over 100 kills but somehow, through some unexplained illogical timewarp in space, the team playing Aren Ops will lose.
4) Must drop shot and use all techniques to enrage opposing team.

But your kd will skyrocket.

Must use high killstreaks, such as SR-71 (Blackbird or NakiBird)
Doooood I got my 3.0 kd by playing Aren Ops! But my winloss went down to a .5.
by NaKi Tee June 17, 2011
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