One who is a source of endless amusement. Usually tall, pretty, and very graceful, enjoys spazzing out. Often likened to a giraffe.
Person 1: "Did you see that performer today? That was HILARIOUS!"

Person 2: "YEAH! Almost Alya-like!"
by KnightOfNi12 May 7, 2010
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Alya is a female name that originates from Ancient Greek, Slavonic, Hebrew, and Arabic.
It's pronouns as "AH-lya" or something like " ah-le-yah"

It means sky,beautiful , heaven or scarlet
"Alya gave me a beautiful flower today."
by Justsomeone01 May 28, 2021
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A smart girl, always there for her friends.
by Majama October 20, 2021
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The most beautiful, unique, and witty girl. She is very silly and charming. She has the hair of a goddess and a very distinctive style. She is full of fire, and sometimes, she is a tornado. She is almost always laughing and loves to make others laugh as well. She can be shy but once you crack open all of her different layers, you will be in awe of how truly riveting she is. She loves animals. Alya’s are not ones to take the traditional path; Alya’s are more interested in what ignites their soul and fire within, she’s got her own special way of doing things . She’s known to be quite cheeky and sarcastic and is full of humor. She is probably one of the most fun people you will ever meet. She is a total badass but also has a gentile side to her. She makes a very loyal and genuine friend.
You know what would make this night more fun? If we invited Alya.
by ArizonaWildFlower November 24, 2021
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Mari: Where are you going, Alya?

Alya: To update the LadyBlog :)
by sukker-sugar January 18, 2019
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Jake: Wow I smell a snail.
Tom: Now that's just an Alya
by bahp112233 April 15, 2018
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Dumb bitch who is very 2 faced. Never fails to talk shit about their own group of friends.
Alya is that weirdo that has no friends
by Uptoyoutothinkwhoiam August 24, 2021
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