Alexander Hamilton was one of the most underappreciated Founding father of the United States of America. He was born in the mid 1700's in the West Indies in the town of Nevis. Attending King's College (later known as Columbia) at the age of 19, and began to opine his Federalist points of view in local New York newspapers. He was fluent in French, a delightful businessman, and a devoted religious and political scholar. His multitude successes in life were ironic considering his tumultuous childhood during which he moved to several outlets in the British West Indy isles and was "fathered" by unworthy stepfathers who continued to abandon him. He died at the age of 45 in a duel with Aaron Burr, his foremost political adversary.
Alexander Hamilton was illigetimate
by mike potter September 11, 2005
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The act of having sex with a woman doggy-style, only to pull out and recharter the national bank
"The nation has been running a huge surplus ever since Alan Greenspan gave his wife the Alexander Hamilton"

"Many historians agree that President Andrew Jackson's strong opposition to the national bank stemmed directly from his wife's reluctance be on the receiving end of the Alexander Hamilton."
by Vitaly Bernanke March 26, 2008
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When someone asks you: "what's your

name, man?" And a flying Lin

Manuel Miranda screams "Alexander Hamilton!" And flies away
Yeah, I got Alexander Hamiltoned last night...
by Veryoriginal November 21, 2017
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Some significant founding father that was turned into a musical by chance.
Lin Manuel Miranda: I read this book on Alexander Hamilton, I should turn it into a broadway show!
by jchamp7 November 8, 2018
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One of the founding fathers of the country.

-secretary of treasury
-whiskey rebellion
-the capital of the country was moved so Madison would support Hamilton's financial plan (under-the-table deal)
-he was an enemy of john adams, aaron burr, james madison, etc.

Hamilton shot first in the duel, but missed because he was planning not to hit Burr. Burr shot Hamilton in the rib area, however, he was probably planning not to hit Hamilton. He died the next day.
Hamilton got pwned by Burr in that duel omg.
by squee1 August 15, 2005
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Simp-man whore sleep with Eliza John Lauren’s and Martha and also was a pretty famous and smart person
Alexander Hamilton is crazy about his legacy
by Weirdo69420 May 11, 2020
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