Shoot your shot day. On this day, you have a chance to ask your crush out. Good luck!
September 28th
Person 1: hey, its Shoot your shot day, will you go out with me?
Person 2: yes!
by Flying squirrel 123455 September 28, 2019
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girls born on this day are the ones that are very emotional and not one to get there feelings hurt they are so kind to everybody and know how to rest there bf right and is one not to let go of
person #1:is your birthday October 28th

person #2:yeah
person #2: you must be emotional a lot then
by coolest.person.alive October 17, 2020
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The 28th April is national hug/ kiss the opposite gender day.
“Did you know it’s the 28th April?”
Yeah what about it?”
“You need to hug or kiss the opposite gender today.”
“That’s so good. Now I have an excuse!”
by User_24365879 April 29, 2021
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on this day, my favourite person on the planet was born.
she’s kind, pretty, smart and kind of a dumb bitch.
i love you!!
A: yo what day is it?
B: it’s national dumb bitch day
A: huh?
B: it’s november 28th
by sluttywhore2000 November 2, 2019
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The Day Harambe died (national remember harambe day)
I fucking miss him still.

Did you know i made this october 15th about its about May 28th im retarded
by Sendmementalhelp October 15, 2019
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“Did you hear about September 28th?” Yes, Louis and Harry got married!”
by bstagelarry October 27, 2019
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You are only born on this day if you are a beautiful and kind person. You would also be a weeb and a smartie - pants but either way. :)
“Man, she/he seems like a person born on December 28th. They’re really kind.”
by Weaboo-Shipper October 17, 2019
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