1. I found this definition on the net.
2. I have spent way too many hours on the net.
by N470 July 1, 2019
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(1) To have lost a cuss battle without a comeback
(2) To put a fish net over a small child's head
(3) Laxatives in a shopping trolley whilst dancing to the agadoo
Dave:You Just Got netted Mate!
Bob: :/ Hmmm...
by gashmedizzle August 11, 2008
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A new term used by the "good" "pro" gamers after or in matches. Net is defined Not even Trying. The number sign is just a show off that you arent a noob.
"Wow U guys suck...im #net."
Player1: Why are you doing so bad?
Player2: Im #net...boored zzZzz

You guys are horrible, i let my sister play and she was #net..LOL
by FaTa September 6, 2006
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1) a recluse, often not seen for days at a time. Sometimes the only proof of existance if the hourly flushing of the toilet

2) an unsuccessful business strategy made popular by dot coms. The act of spending more money than you make
1) Don't buy that video game, you'll become a netting

2) If you netting me on the bills this month, there will be trouble.

by Matt Hemlepp January 27, 2003
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Amount after all deductions (such as taxes). See also gross.
I netted $1482.98 this month.
by kyle.biddle November 16, 2010
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Short hand term for media cable networks.
Is this another case of the nets ignoring Hunter Biden?
by Sexydimma August 14, 2021
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