To smoke marijuana. "The source" can also be used to describe anything essentially good, similarly to "lit"
We are going to go surfing but first we gotta touch the source.

This pizza is the source.
by jr135706 September 22, 2021
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I was going to use open-source when I realized I had pay-source
by Anon Emos October 24, 2008
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One who slobbers all over the dick of source material and dismisses or out right tries to tear down anything that tries to build off of said source material.
Weeb 1 "Yo man, God of Highschool was a pretty sick show."

Weeb 2 "That show sucked man, they didn't even touch on the best parts of the webtoon and the animation was shit. You need to just read the webtoon."
Weeb 1: Yo man, you ain't gotta be a source slut about it.
by JuggernautG1 September 28, 2020
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i ran out of relief source”
by BAKA🙏🙏 December 10, 2020
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An organization based around the premise of open-source and open-contribution.
Alex created an open-source organization so that the internet worked for free instead of money.
by padenfool February 17, 2022
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Talking out loud to yourself not because of insanity but to leave the conversation open for anyone to join to whatever degree.
I was open source talking at the strip club about sandwiches and next thing I knew...(she joins and redirects the conversation here).
by Bauldrdash Thunderballs February 6, 2015
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A term inspired by Ben Ripley's film "The Source Code." This term is used to describe something very mind-blowing and life-changing that can change a person's way of thinking forever. Also used to describe something that makes a person's mind "click" and allows them to understand so much more than they did before.
Noah: Did you hear that incredible lesson on quantum physics?

George: Yeah, it was Source Code big!!
by Oreeo April 17, 2011
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