You have staff, right? You have staff... who manage your affairs, your campaign, day-to-day activities, etc... Right? Sooo.... How are you not a retard who won a popularity contest? You sound like a retard. That’s what retards have. That’s what a retards life is like.... a waitress can do your job.... because your job is basically showing up where you’re told to show up... your job requirements are basically.... being able to read and write? And I need to work harder... to generate more money... for you... so you can work less.... I mean... you sit in a chair.... 80% of you are geriatric.... I should work harder though... that’s what should happen... so you can make more money... and you could say “But if you work harder you’ll make more money too” but... only one of us is doing the work... and I can turn on Cspan... and I can read the bills... and then (at that point) I’m basically doing your job... but for free... but I should work harder... so a literal retard can stop working in a last ditch effort to sponge up as much money as possible before they die... and who gets their money when they die (the money they took from everyone)... and who gets the money when they die? Fuck trophies... but it’s ok... generational wealth only lasts 3 generations... because the people at the top change.... because sometimes rich people only have daughters... and all of the names change... And that means I should work harder? Huh..... Ok.....
Hym “Sooo.... Politicians.... you said all of that.... and what I hear is that this is basically group-home world.... I hate to break it to you but Orwell is already here. I mean... I’m being punished for wrong-think... actively. People have deluded themselves into believing it’s necessary to engage in a selective surveillance state campaign... Oh wait.... ✌️✊✌️No one can hear me✌️✊✌️ (except for the people who read it every day and reference it every day and the guy who un-ironically said this to me as though he didn’t read it and isn’t responding to it actively). Oh well 🤷 ♂️ I’ll just keep talking.“
by Hym Iam November 1, 2022
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These people are a disgrace to all of humanity, they are the world’s biggest scumbags. They make up a bunch of promises in front of many people while running for office, and toss all of those promises out a window once they successful get elected. They make up more lies than a car dealer salesman. They waste more taxpayer money than people who borrow money for a college tuition or buy a cup of Starbucks coffee. They don't care about the people, they only want to get elected for self-interest or work for interest groups. They are dumber than young children who use the internet. If they each had a nose like Pinocchio, their noses would be longer than the milky way galaxy. Many of their polices have resulted in great economic harm, mass inequality, and the deaths of many people. It doesn't matter who you vote for, which political party they are part of, which country they supposedly represent, they are all nothing but a bunch of liars and crooks.
Politicians are literally the worst people to ever exist.
by HiThere383329 March 5, 2022
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A group of people, of which some are doing their best, but all get abuse from idiots who only look at the worst of the bunch.
'Ooh! I hate those nasty politicians! No, I never read the news.'
by Da King Prawn February 12, 2018
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The politician has been arrested for embezzling construction money for low income housing.
by Without doubt not a politician November 6, 2017
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A fucking drongo who can't make up a decision and is a lying dickhead.
Fuck bro, did you hear about the politician who said he would fix power?
Fuck yeah, what a drongo he would never fix it
by S.U.A.C October 29, 2017
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A person everyone hates. Especially their coworkers.
I was thinking of assassinating that politician but his coworker did it first.
by Finalpoet January 28, 2019
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