Eri is a sophisticated and an artistic girl. She sees the good in everyone and enjoys things from the bottom of her heart. Every smile she gives is from her heart. She is not only beautiful on the outside but have an even more beautiful soul that radiates. Eri is a good listener, but sometimes have a hard time accepting compliments. Eri is the best friend anybody can ask for, she is one in a million and a diamond in the rough. If you know an Eri, keep her in your life, be honest to her, and constantly show your love for her.
Eri sure knows how to make people smile.
Eri brightens everyone's day.
by 00761922 November 22, 2021
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Eri is a down to earth type of girl. She is true to everything that she does. Eri brings lighten everyone's day with her radiating smile. She is quite artistically passionate. Eri is a person who takes too many burdens and forgets to treat herself once in a while. If you see or come across an Eri be sure to give her a big hug and encourage her.
Person 1: Who is that brightening everyone's day?
Person 2: Oh that's just classic Eri.
by 00761922 November 22, 2021
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(n). Someone of extreme ignorance, most probably vapes nyquil and snorts xanex, they are commonly characterized by selective memory loss, selective hearing, and pretty much selective use of their senses and reason. Call em an eri like b*tch and they'll be popping veins faster than my uncle pops champagne on new years.
Stop being such an eri .
This eri like behavior your exhibiting is pretentious.
This ignorance is appropriating eri culture.
by Abdon March 22, 2018
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Tall, witty, and stubborn in the best way (most of the time). He is very particular in his fashion and can be super self conscious even though everyone else thinks he’s got it going on. He’s determined and dedicated when it comes the his passions. Usually a skateboarder. Also multi talented and friendly when you get to know him.
Person1: Hey I met this awesome skateboarder who seemed a little standoffish when I first saw him but was actually really nice, had great fashion sense, and was tall the other day!

Person2: Was his name Eri?

Person1: Yeah how’d you know??

Person2: —_(^•^)_—
by Simnuf November 24, 2021
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A man who has no life and loves to take it up the ass be it by his wife / girlfriends bull or with a strap-on.
Ah man, That guy is such an Eri.
by Vyth December 4, 2017
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A wholesome child who deserves to be protected at all costs, no matter what.
Eri is such a cute smol bean 🥺✋
by Just_another_simp August 12, 2021
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Best name in existence. 3 letters no more needed for this to be the best name. The person named Eri is probably going to be a billionaire by the age of 20. Great personality and probably has high goals.
Eri went on a walk
by Bozo101029 November 20, 2021
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