best song from the black album fs fr lmao
the guitar solo makes me trancend reality

by DeeboTheGoose January 20, 2023
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And it isn't that it doesn't mean anything to everyone else. All of the derivatives are critically acclaimed.
Hym "No. It's objectively good to everyone else. I have the best taste. Objectively. Better than everyone else. The things I like and the reasons I like them are better than the things everyone else likes and we now have an observable metric by which we can judge my taste and can conclude that it's better than everyone. Women, TV, Drugs, Food. I'm the ultimate taste-haver! I'm like that guy from the french detective show who smells real good. Except for taste. But not, like, physically tasting things... Just like... Having taste IN things. You could make a detective show about THAT actually. I could solve crimes and throughout the episodes I would, like, suggest things to people like 'You should try the steak tartare' and the guy would be like 'Oh shit, wow! That is pretty good! You must know a lot about cooking or whatever.' And I'd be all 'Nah dawg, I just got really good taste- WAIT! I found a clue! It was the butler all along!' But the butler doesn't want to go down without a fight KAPOW! KAPOW! KAPOW! Cracked his ass! But wait! He's wearing Kevlar! Oh no! Secret bookcase tunnel! He escapes! He's like a Moriarty or something! I'll get you next time Moriarty-Butler!"
by Hym Iam October 11, 2023
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The only other thing to have is a woman letting you bang her. What else could he theoretically have?
Hym "What else do you have in your life? What else is there to have? Friends? Check. Family? Check. I don't like the effect they have on my life but they're there. Money? When I actually get paid for the work I do, yes. Accomplishments? I'm objectively one of the greatest writers in history of humanity. So, yes again. Hobbies? Yup. Genius intellect? Yessir. Magnificent penis? Obviously. Status? Doesn't exist but if it DID I would have more of it than everyone. Disciples? More than Jesus. Energy? The maximum amount of that. The real thick kind. It's pungent. The only things I DON'T have are women and Adderall and I only don't have them because YOU don't take instructions very well! I don't know if that's some kind of deformity or a malformed lobe or what but- Oh! An unyielding, ceaseless hatred for everything. I have that too! No 6 pack though... But that's fine... And you all definitely can be full of yourselves. I mean, a lot of you seem to think you have 'the right values' and that promotion of these values is commensurate with virtue and that your ability to promulgate these values and the money people through at you is evidentiary of some sort of cosmic deservedness and that you have some sort of responsibility to prevent people from promoting 'the wrong values' and in doing so you are controlling the minds of your viewers. That's your role in society to you. Controlling the people who watch your content by feeding them 'Good, healthy, positive thoughts.' "
by Hym Iam November 7, 2023
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An ewww person, you'll have such a bad vibe even at the first sight. They so full of theirself, and think they're the center of the world. They act like they know fashion and beauty when they actually doesn't. The way they dress ugh too much. Also like to flex about their money (all lie).
Guy 1 : look at Else
Guy 2 : ewww not them again, look at how their act. That's too much
Guy 1 : well you already know, they're else.
by Oopieloopie November 22, 2021
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Give up there's no point she doesnt like you just fucking give up
"I like her but she doesn't me she likes someone else"
by CODAC22ONTWITCH October 11, 2023
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Protecting your energy means being cautious who, where, and what you put your time into. Protecting your energy involves judging your reactions based on how much involvement you want in a person or situation. Protecting your energy means to allow your heart and mind to work together. To live in the moment with being concerned for the future and without being hateful of the past.
by Kylaadaawn June 20, 2023
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