A bunch of fugly old white guys that are scared of vaginas, gays, transgender people, and POC.
"Wow, that politician has not said one truthful thing this entire interview."
by Dikrat Jones December 2, 2020
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Mitch McConnell is the evilest man in the usa. He's like an adult sized Chucky, like every other politician.
by FuckYourTwoMoms December 10, 2021
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A whole lotta old men that scream a lot and somehow get liked by people
Politicians: Gay people are bad.

People: I'm to lazy to check so fuck it, you get my vote
by Imagine That! September 9, 2021
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typical politician:

"read my lips, no new taxes" -George H W Bush 1988
his following presidency delivered new taxes.
by wazhapanin September 28, 2022
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A type of liar. Full of promises that they don't often deliver on.
The politician said when elected that there would not be any capital gains tax implemented during the current term. Six months later then announces that a capital gains tax is to be bought in.
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If you're black and you support Trump, do you ever ask yourself whether he would do the same for you when you get kicked off the plane for not wearing a mask? Do you also ask yourself whether Biden is any better for trying to force you to wear one?
No matter what they tell you, a politician is not on your side. They dont give a fuck about you or your vote, it's a number to them.
by Solid Mantis October 21, 2020
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