A Kingston Pub Crawl is when a group of travelers (min. 3 people) turn a standard pit stop into a impromptu pub crawl. The group must visit a minimum of 3 locations that serve alcohol, having at least 1 drink at each location, while getting back on the road within approx. 30-45 minutes. Typical locations to visit during a Kingston Pub Crawl are Pizza Hut, Applebees, and Chilli's. In Canada Boston Pizza and Swiss Chalet would qualify. A Kingston Pub Crawl (aka. a KPC) can happen on a sight seeing tour, on a bus carrying a baseball team, or on a road trip with friends.
A team bus full of baseball playing idiots stopped midway through their road trip for food. Having only 30 minutes to get food and be back at the bus the three determined and ambitions members of the team attempted a Kingston Pub Crawl. Starting at Boston Pizza the three had Jager Bombs. Next they ventured to Swiss Chalet for Tequila. To finish, the fellas traveled across the street to Pizza Hut to enjoy shots of Sambuca. They did all this in time for the bus to leave - thus meeting all stipulations of a Kingston Pub Crawl.
by Anyoneseenmybat? May 26, 2011
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When your long term partner breaks up with you and wants the clothes iron
My ex pulled a Lame Ass Kingston when we broke up
by The iron lady September 7, 2021
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Refers to encouraging a woman to smoke marijuana while performing oral sex. Usually taking a toke after each sucking motion until the moment of ejaculation
Guy (talking to friends): Yeah, bro, last night with Justine was unreal. I took her back to Kingston.
Girl (talking to friends): It was pretty fun. Craig took me back to Kingston with him.

Girl: I'm going back to Kingston with him, tomorrow.
(Friend): You're going all the way to Jamaica?
Girl: No, silly! I'm gonna smoke dat kush while suckin' his cock.
by Rugby_fan88 December 7, 2015
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An all around funny guy who overreacts about anything that touches him and falls on the floor on purpose he also is probably 50% opossum, he also barks a lot and acts like an animal.

by Vocab Caterpillar Rules!!! September 29, 2022
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The Kingston Frontnacs are the worst hockey team in the OHL
Hey, are u gonna pull the Kingston Frontnacs tonight?
by Ur Mothers Husband November 21, 2021
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