When you and your niggas are having very deep conversations between the hours of 1 am and 4 am. A subject could be for example: The meaning of life, What is love, religion or space etc.
Guy 1: What is the meaning of life?
Guy 2: I dunno nigga. In the end nothing really matters
Guy 1: I think the meaning of life is to find something to fill your empty life with.
*conversation continues into Deep Nigga Hours*
by kesostezo January 6, 2019
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You both start at different ends of a sewer drainage system and once you meet at the same man hole cover you fuck eachother while your heads pop out the sewer
Derek found Christina in the sewer finally and they spent the night rush hour 2ing it.
by Cuntina June 17, 2022
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The time between 11pm and 1am where boys become extremely horny and want to fuck anything that moves.
Chad:” Bro I entered real bunny hours last night and almost cheated on my girl”

Tanner:” Yeah bro real bunny hours make your penis take control”
by Real Meme Man February 8, 2018
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When you've been Zooming with your friends for 6 hours and finally run out of things to talk about.
We hit that 6th hour lull and didn't know how to recover.
by Skulker December 28, 2021
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when a nibba or whigga from Sturke feels depressed/sad. Can Occur at any time of the day when the nibba (or Whigga) is feeling miserable and low. (also include Dank Children from Ekh)
Fläsk is having "Sad Sturke Hours" when he wakes up middle of the night and start kicking his wall multiple times.
by Jonas_Tejpbit January 24, 2018
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National Shit on the Ceiling Hour occurs every 100 years on December 28th. This holiday event starts on 8:30 pm, and continues until 9:30 pm. The next National Shit on the Ceiling Hour occurs this December. It’s truly a miracle that we will be around to witness it’s full beauty.
Sally: “Ugh, 2020 has been the worse...”
John: “Don’t worry, National Shit on the Ceiling Hour is coming up!”
Sally: “Oh my god, you’re right!! I’m so excited!”
by Big quivering sweaty armpit September 9, 2020
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Refers to a shorter, more efficient workday without breaks or a lunch hour.
I game to the last french hours of the day until my work is done.
by UDfrenchman May 16, 2013
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