Touhou addict and a very alright person.
Yo Tess is fucking gay.
by vipto February 25, 2017
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An unfortunate woman that lacks empathy, understanding and love.

Too old to make immature, childish comments to hurt others, but she does because for some sad reason it makes her feel empowered.

Little girls tear others apart, woman empower another.
Lacks the ability to look inward to understand why she likes being mean.

Insightful tip..
you're only hurting yourself and how ppl look at you when spewing hate.
#sad #unaware #basic #vindictive #toxic
Thats Tess is a real man she has a bigger penis even then chewbacca ! Too bad it doesnt belong on her !
by JawJacker August 2, 2019
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A really fit girl who i just want to touch. She makes me feel as if i am wanted and that i have a purpose in life. She is sometimes feisty but is cute when she is. Tess is the best girl in my life and will be for everybody else.
by hdbdhrndjnsksnsksn May 6, 2022
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Tess is a nickname for the name Tessa, or the name Teresa
by Person110010011 July 10, 2018
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First off Tess is a VERY gorgeous girl. She is very kind and sympathetic to others. She also knows how to have a good time. You can always count on Tess for those good memories and long nights. Those lucky enough to have Tess as their friend, loved one, relative, or girlfriend are blessed for a lifetime
(Guy 1) Dude Tess is so ugly

(Guy 2) ikr
by 123458625 June 12, 2022
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