This is when you just want to live your life, but your politicians keep getting upset and making your life a living hell. This condition is similar to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Like Bowels, politicians always have shit coming out of their mouths. Substitute 'politician' for 'bowel' and you get IPS.
Worker #1:"I'm glad election year is passed. My IPS was about to drive me insane."

Worker #2:"Oh, yeah? You got Irritable Bowel Syndrome?"

Worker #1:"No. Irritable Politician Syndrome. Same symptoms, different assholes."
by IndependentForever November 4, 2009
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The act of waking up each day, gathering armloads of random information, disregarding all context surrounding the gathered muck, grabbing one's Huck Finn stick, hopping onto a floating device on which the garbage has been piled, pushing off out into the lake, picking up each item, and screaming about it. Meanwhile, the people on the banks only really hear the seagulls.
Bystander 1: "Uh-oh, Garbage Barge Greene's on the float again. I wonder what random act of ignorance she's going to shout about today."

Bystander 2: "It's the nature of a garbage-barge politician, Garbage gonna barge."

Also can apply to the act of politicking, as in "Garbage Barge Politics"
by Heinous Realist August 18, 2023
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Used to describe politicians of any party who use the phrase 'washington is broke' in order to get elected. Derogatory term.
Only a brokeback politician would stoop to that level.
by soso50 October 11, 2010
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And people who are basically pseudo-politicians.

Hym “Any-who, where was I? Oh right, politicians are basically retards and we live in dystopia. Yeah, so... you got more people to work hard... how many of those people are ‘living lives of quiet desperation’ and how far past the first bottleneck did they make it? The next hierarchical bottleneck? One of them made a widget or a do-dad that ensures a retirement at a time of their choosing... their fuck trophies take the extra special fuck trophy path in life and don’t have to do the thing they expect me to do... and we haven’t found a better way, right? Let me ask you something.... If I found a better way, would you allow me to implement it? I mean, you won’t even let me take credit for the contents of my own mind. So no. I would have to kill you all. Just like my current situation.... you would need me to kill you all... and then you could say ‘See!? See!? Look how many people that system kills!!! Our thing was so much better because instead of violence we use subterfuge and emotional abuse (literal emotional abuse, ha!)!’ I don’t see how that doesn’t just make as the slave with one hundred masters... which is why YouTubers all sell ‘hard work.’ Work hard.... so you can afford to add a new master. You get to choose!
Politicians part 2: Breaking Down

It’s not real-slavery is you get to choice your master... and you have several... how many can you afford? Work harder so you can add a few more. Don’t share your Netflix password. That’s allowing people to avoid the slavery... Don’t watch the piracy of my movie... that I copy-and-pasted from urban dictionary.... buy my book... where I nitpick information from the books that I’ve read and/or sell my molested clients stories! Hey guys! Where was Christian God while that guys butthole was getting fucked? Where was he? Do you know? Do you have a guess? Something to muse on... I mean, if the creature was watching then it’s a pedophile.... You know that right? It’s likely that it exists outside of time and I’ve already killed it. Which is neat. But that means I can’t rewind time and fuck the whore instead of the retard (news guy... that’s not how time works).... Hmmm.... Hey! Maybe Nietzsche had a near death experience! I WILL probably end up talking to him after I kill the creature... 🤔 That would make sense. This was a long one. I’ll come back to it.”
by Hym Iam November 1, 2022
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A male or female that uses social networking websites (Facebook, YouTube) to blatherskype about politics and how they think the world ought to be.

Usually will be the first one to respond to anything political on facebook with about 3 pages of crap regarding your status, even if it's only mildly political.
You bet. He's a Digital Politician. And a Douche Bag
by Qualdo October 30, 2010
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If you're a politician, you're either one of the following:
- An idiot. Idiots have no idea how a country works and pretend America is one big reality TV show.
- A liar. Liars promise a perfect world where everyone is happy, and a future that is impossible to live up to.
- Or a piece of shit. POS don't care about anything but money or publicity. They only work for a specific group of people and run the country into shit when they get office.

While most of these qualities are attributed to Republican politicians, Democrats are equally as shitty.
Most people in America don't get involved with politics because politicians running it screws them over one way or another.
by TheBagelPeople October 16, 2020
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