The backdoor into Harvard. Despite its lack of prestige due to its open enrollment, graduates somehow end up getting into top ranked graduate schools, and coveted jobs. Yet they only paid 1/4 of the price for pretty much the same degree as the "real" Harvard students.
Person 1: "Where did you go to college"
Person 2: "Harvard Extension School"
Person 1: "What's that?"
Person 2: "The evening classes at Harvard"
Person 1: "Oh so you're not a real Harvard student? Well at least I went to the real University at Yale"
Person 2: "Yeah have fun with that, now I'm going to go back to my job at Goldman Sachs, and destroy the economy some more, while you have fun paying off your massive loans that I own."
by The living coconut January 11, 2014
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A joke by the students of St. John's University, a University in New York. The meaning is essentially how St. John's University's tuition is expensive, like Harvard, as a joke. St. John's University is also known as the Harvard of Queens.
We're not called the Harvard of New York for nothing! 🤣🤣
by realactualdefreal June 6, 2023
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Wofford College, a literal arts college in South Carolina which is the most prideful and most academically challenging in the state. Usually produces numerous lawyers and doctors.
He must have gone to the Harvard of the South to be that successful and a southern gentleman. He must be a Wofford boy.
by woffordterrier December 21, 2010
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Hampden-Sydney College in Farmville, Va.

A small, all-male private liberal arts university where the classes are tough and the weekends are off the chain! See Hampden-Sydney College
Colbert: I went to the Harvard of the South
by G-Money Pipes September 24, 2007
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The Harvard of the South is the University of Georgia(UGA).

Some may be able to argue that it's Vanderbilt, but I wouldn't consider that a true southern school, with SEC power football.

I know one thing for sure though, Ole Miss is not the Harvard of the South, anyway with a beating heart can get in their, that post should be deleted.
yo my nigga dwillie got into Harvard of the South!
Oh fo rizzle that nigga got into UGA, dats pretty sick rad my nigga faggot.
by BigCock101 February 25, 2010
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Harvard Model Congress otherwise known as HMC, is an annual simulation of Congress. The attendees comprise of the following:
1) Kids who really care about politics and usually get emotional about controversial issues
2) Kids who go exclusively for the HMC Dane

3) Kids who go to miss 2 days of school
4) The rest of the people there

Over 1500 high school students descend upon Boston for this event, usually the Sheraton hotel. All other hotel guests are royally pissed because it takes them 20 minutes to catch an elevator. While walking down the halls of the hotel floors, one can hear things from kids screaming about legislation to kids yelling about why they get the hotel bed to themselves. One of the most popular activities at HMC is to look out your hotel window and look for people doing strange things in their hotel rooms. Generally, boys look for babes undressing near the window with the curtain undrawn. While doing this, the odds of being mooned by a guy are about 200 times more likely than actually seeing a chick, let alone a hot one undressing near the window.
Guy 1: Dude, that girl is making out with the Secretary of Defense!
Guy 2: What do you expect? This is the HMC dance.

Guy 1: Did you hear that they legally changed the drinking age to 12?
Guy 2: Sick man! Where did you hear about this?
Guy 1: I co-authored this bill at Harvard Model Congress.
by smt1192 June 4, 2020
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A scenario in which a prestigious institution is in close competition with a slightly less prestigious institution. Named after, of course, Harvard and Yale.
Both sports teams were good, but one always seemed to push just a little past the other. It was a real Harvard-Yale situation.
by crohall May 13, 2011
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