Can be used two ways,

1. Meaning someone isn’t photogenic or looks gross/bad in a photo
2. When someone is acting really dumb without knowing they are
1: “hey look at this pic I jus posted”
“You really can’t do tape
2: your friend is acting stupid, like they forgot how to human

“Rachel!!, fuck! You can’t do tape!”
by You can’t do tape May 30, 2019
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When you eat something so cheesy that it plugs your asshole till next week.
Person A: I’ll take a large cheese pizza with extra cheese please.
Person B: No dad, I can’t shit for a week if we get that pizza
by BipolarUnicorn2 March 27, 2020
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Something that can’t be undone or can’t be done by that certain someone or something.
by beefmeatkiller July 5, 2021
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When you voluntarily lose (to make someone feel better, to end an argument), and then the situation gets even worse. So, what you thought you would gain by losing on purpose is lost anyway.

It’s a colloquial equivalent to paving the road to hell with good intentions.

(A lot of people writing their definitions for this are trying to make logic out of the phrasing but weren’t around when this phrase was more popular, leading to incorrect definitions.)
I let my spouse win the argument to calm down the situation, and now I’m getting criticized for not sticking up for myself. I can’t win for losing!
by Jemie Weino October 8, 2022
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A term in football when somebody passes the ball to you and you have a clear opportunity on goal, yet you fail to score.
*Misses shot*

Bro it was an open goal! I’ve made you breakfast, but I can’t force you to eat it!
by LondonUKUrbandictionary April 8, 2023
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