Darn, I woke up this morning with a Gus Crossing lmao aha.
by leakyhoop420 October 10, 2020
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When you wake up to find your penis was embroidered by the discount Columbian hooker you hired.
I knew i shouldn't have trusted that drink she offered i woke up in an ally with an infected Columbian cross stitch of a butterfly .
by Gigglesnshit May 24, 2023
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Everyone there is fake as fuck they think they’re cool but most of them are vaping kids the teachers are nice and stuff but most people there are hoes
by Hehehehhehdhehhd September 10, 2021
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the interbreeding of the pizza flavored goldfish with that of the pretzel flavored goldfish in a medley of taste bud amazement
Whoever put that snack together must have used cross mojoination because my taste buds are going wild!!
by Curcoon December 14, 2009
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(v.) To drive across a parking lot by cutting through the parking spaces instead of staying within the designated driving lanes. This is considered illegal in many states, as it can endanger the well-being of those within the parking lot. Also cross-lotter (n.), someone who cross-lots. These terms are typically used while yelling at other drivers in a parking lot in a fit of road rage.
(While shaking fist in the air in disgust) "Look at that guy cross-lotting at 50 mph! Could he be any more of an idiot?!"
"Damn cross-lotters! Stay in your lane!!"
by ellogrl July 19, 2012
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When a gym enthusiast sharts whilst committing to a gut wrenching dead lift or squat.
"Did you see Danny squat 500lbs on tuesday!?" "I sure did, but he definitely finished off with the Tijuana trunk crossing. You could see it running down his legs before it smelled.
by Sal_paradise February 23, 2023
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