Poo in the trash can
Stop fucking throwing terd taters in the hows trash and wtf
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When you eat a burrito for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but you don’t shit until after you’ve ate dinner.
Carl had the biggest burrito terd after working a long shift on the construction site.
by mike charter January 7, 2022
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A ship name for turd and beard. This term is usually describes someone with and nasty beard
Yo man, that man over there have a large terd.”
by TheBigNugget July 17, 2019
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Trans Exclusionary Right Wing Dropkicks

this definition comes from an Australian MP in the australian state of tasmania. “they’re not terfs, they’re terds, trans exclusionary right wing dropkicks”
J.K rowling and her fans are TERDS
by Queer_Ninja18 March 28, 2023
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Arielle Scarcella, JK Rowling, and Vanessa Vokey are TERDs.
by Seya TJP January 26, 2022
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Not quite the size of a turd, similar in size to a terd.... A bouyant terd is feces that floats to the top of the water, usually because of high amounts of meat a diet.
There was a buoyant terd in the toilet at school.
by Gamefreakr August 31, 2015
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the most violent of all diarrhea. explosion and propulsive defecation.
i ruined the bath room with my terd spew
by goowashington May 3, 2011
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