"Hey, do you know Unknown CT" - No Name
"Of course, he's the gaffer and big bo$$ trapper" - OG CEO'$ User
by da3t July 24, 2023
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Absolutely nothing!

You don't need worry about it! And you shouldn't try and find out!
"Hey what's the unknown?" "Absolutely nothing, the unknown isn't real!"
by The Namless legend July 11, 2024
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The game where a pan is the best melee weapon that you can obtain
A:hey dude, did you play PUBG last night? I got 2nd place!

B:i played it but in the first 10 minutes i got sniped from someone 2 miles away, also, its actually called player unknown's battlegrounds
by SUCC [D.A.N.K] November 5, 2017
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