another phrase for "dude shut the hell up" or "I DONT GIVE"
Teacher: so when we mix these two liquids, they create a new colour and so that mixes up the colours..."
guy 2: oh my god who the hell cares
by i like urbandictionary October 8, 2011
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the very first phrase in Sir Mix-a-Lot's song "Baby Got Back" said by a white girl talking to her white friend talking about a black girl's butt.
Oh my God Becky, look at her butt it is so big!
by Woobie May 30, 2005
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A medical definition used by doctors to refer to any really embarrassing condition. Can also be used in the case of any accident involving damage to the genitalia.
Doctor! Oh my god you have to come see this! This kids has his penis caught in his zipper!
by Laura-Leigh January 16, 2006
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An alternative to 'What the Fuck, oh my God', meaning the exact same thing.
Used by people on Acid who think it's hillarious... And it usually is!
1. Used as an alternative, and somewhat lame, alternative to 'What the Fuck'.
by eightball April 23, 2004
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