When an Irish woman, crushes your skull with her thighs, whilst you are performing oral sex on her.
Me: While I was eating out Shelly she almost Celtic Thunder'd me!
by Dominic Pacheco August 18, 2019
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One not doing what one should be doing
1. Yesterday I was Celtic Smoking instead of doing my work and I got detention!

2. Hey Carl! Stop Celtic Smoking and get your head in the game!
by pownism April 4, 2011
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a cock that has blue tribal design tatoos on it
Bob: "Damn I feel good."
Mark: "Why do you feel so good Bob?"
Bob: "I just screwed a chick with my celtic snake!"
Mark: "Seriously dude you got one of those?"
Bob: "Ya dude I used it on your mom last night."
by u shit fuck January 20, 2012
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A religion that is the revival of the worship of all the gods of the Celts.
He's into Celtic pantheon worship.
by Judge dredd7 July 25, 2011
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A man of Celtic or Irish decent (usually a ginger) who wishes to be an Italian Stallion without meeting the requirements for such a title.
No, you're not an italian stallion! you're more of a, a celtic pony!
by Lalalaquitia April 18, 2010
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Celtic Da (sell-tick-da) - Noun:
Individual who overly uses Celtic related emojis and terms such as 🍀💚 and HH in a non-ironic manner. Also likely to reference how difficult times were in the 90s as a rebuttal to any and all complaints younger generations may have.

Have 3 different spellings of the word “Brendan”.

Think every argument can be stopped with HH.

Use two spaces between words in a sentence.

Sometimes using capital letters in full sentences.

May share religious picture/Celtic picture hybrids.
Celtic da: Calm doon bhoys Brenden will get yiz a treble hh ghod is with us
by DISGUSTENG February 28, 2019
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