Similar to Micheal Jackson, went from black to white and kids turn them on.
X-box hee hee
by Whynopleaseaaaaawhytho November 23, 2021
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A gaming console usually better than the play station due to the fact that play station has a fan that sounds like a bomb
"Yo bro imma go play GTA 6 on the x-box you coming"
by chopfromgta February 18, 2023
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when two bermudian girls secretly code their 'experiences' by a game they so called played!
Their names are Y & A...
Hey what did you do this weekend.

Played x-box (wink)!
by Debee April 24, 2008
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A woman's lusty vagina. Many players in a gamers society usually go after girls with x-boxes.
Tony: Yo, Brad Shaneenee just told me she has an X-box and with gold membership.
Brad: I just saw her profile pic I would say shes a 2 but it doesnt matter because pussy is pussy.

Tony: Most girls that play with their X-box live are pervertic anyways
by CapperxUxH8. May 6, 2011
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When someone asks you if you want to "play Xbox tonight" that means they wanna do sexual thing with you. It is used as a cover up so your kids dont know what it means. They'll think yall are playing video games all night.
Hey babe, wanna go play X-box?

What did you guys do last night? "Oh we just played X-box
by Meadorkk February 1, 2022
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Cant hear anything while playing the X-box, he is x-box deaf
He ignored basically everyone, he was trapped in the zone of playing DayZ on the Xbox. He is x-box deaf
by MillieSus49 May 15, 2023
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