Guilty? I mean... Maybe if you deny women agency over there own mind and decisions.
Hym "Guilty? But wait... Ah! You think it too! That, women are dumb whores who are easily tricked or manipulated into doing things they shouldn't! See!? You'd HAVE TO to think he's guilty. He tells a story about defrauding a man out of $10,000 under the guise of getting to meet this woman in person... But that isn't a woman defrauding a man of her own volition...HE BrAiNwAsHeD HER! THAT'S THE STORY! THAT'S HIS CRIME! HE BrAiNwAsHeD WOMEN INTO DOING ONLY-FANS BEFORE IT WAS A THING! THAT'S WHAT HE'S GUILTY OF... But that's not ALL women. The True Scottsman wouldn't get BrAiNwAsHeD... Just the feeble-minded wittle gurls! His relationship with those women is reflective of the relationship between men and women at a broader level (and not an interpersonal one. I don't want to hear any of your 'buh muh wife not sloot!' Yes. Your wife sloot.). You see it? How men they don't want to fuck are footing the bill for both of them to live a life of luxury? See it? Hilarious!"
by Hym Iam March 5, 2023
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No, I reject that entirely.
Hym "No. I reject that by virtue of DESCRIBING THE THING THAT IS HAPPENING TO ME, I am somehow liable for the fall out. I outlined the problem and created a solution for you. You didn't want to do it because YOU didn't want me to gain materially and now you're MOTIVATION POLICING. That is YOUR FAULT. YOURS, fuck-face. You didn't want to do the thing so that is the byproduct of YOU not doing the solution that was presented to YOU. I'm in a blackbox and have NO CONTROL over anything that is happening outside of the COMMUNALLY IMPOSED SELF-REFERENCIAL ECHO-CHAMBER I HAVE LITERALLY BEEN TRAPPED IN FOR YEARS. So, no. Fuck you you piece of shit. Open the cage or I'll drag your bitch ass straight to hell with me. I'm not guilty of anything here."
by Hym Iam June 7, 2024
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an adjective describing someone so good-looking that looking at them makes you feel guilty.
A: Look at that girl over there!
B: Dame that's a guilty for sure.
by Mr. Aitler Hdolf July 14, 2022
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When you commit sins wearing nothing but gloves, usually performed in the bedroom.
"Gerald is an avid user of the Guilty Glove."
"I caught my dad with the Guilty Glove last night, mom wasn't happy."
by Gerald E. Smith January 6, 2020
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When someone is acquitted of something with little to no inquiry or investigation.
“Did you do it?”
“Oh, you’re not guilty!”
by Hugh Prix November 13, 2018
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A case of gelatinous defecation who denies that his shit does not stink.
Secret Service Agent 1: Has the septic tank overflowed again?

Secret Service 2: trump guilty
by trumpblows June 14, 2023
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Ghosting a person due to the fact that you drunk-texted him and then you’re too ashamed to make a contact with him again
Daaaamn I texted him I want to be gangbanged, I’ve been guilty ghosting him eversince.
by Xtrzx December 20, 2019
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