1) Seduce a female into your van/wagon/dingy basement.
2) Terminate her by making a vertical incision from the upper chest down to the pelvis and empty out all her insides much like cleaning out a pumpkin in preparation to make a jack-o-lantern
3) Install a sturdy zipper where the incision was made
4) Proceed to sleep inside her carcass for the remainder of the night.
As a result of their excess blubber and pre-stretched epidermis, heavier-set girls tend to make superior Armenian Sleeping Bags.
by BALBOA'S BEST September 4, 2011
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A form of idiocy pertaining to someone who is so utterly obstinate to admit the facts and reality of an event or situation, even a hundred years after said situation. When confronted, they will often rationalize the event to make it seem like it isn't what people think it is, to which they fail miserably.
Dumb kid: The ottoman empire never committed genocide.
Normal kid: Uhhh, yes they did.
Dumb kid: No they didn't, you and every other person in this world are just believing in false and distorted facts.
Normal kid: You and your armenian genocide denial idiocy never ceases to amuse me.
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I gave her an Armenian Scud Missile and she freaked out, yelling "Its in my eye! Its in my eye!". All in all it was a good thursday.
by schoolsoutforsummer May 5, 2011
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An inflammatory term meant to stifle debate for a claim that remains unproven, as forms of the word "denier" drum up images of neo-Nazis questioning the Holocaust, and may be taken as a code word for hatred. The Armenians turned traitorous, allying themselves with WWI's Russia, Britain and France, and the Ottoman Turks resettled them during a life and death war, until the danger was past; naturally, resettlement cannot be the same as genocide. The Armenians who died mostly died through non-murderous reasons, as famine and disease, same as the bulk of the nearly three million other Ottomans who died; the massacred Armenians were victims of renegade forces and revengists (for the unknown widescale ethnic cleansing crimes perpetrated by the Armenians against Ottoman Muslims and Jews), comprising a comparatively smaller number. There is absolutely no evidence of a Nazi-like extermination campaign conducted by the Ottoman Turks, and the real evidence actually shows how much the Ottomans tried to protect their Armenians. (For example, the British planned a "Nuremberg" after the war, the Malta Tribunal, and were in possession of the Ottoman archives in occupied Istanbul. Today in the British archives may be found Ottoman documents demonstrating protection, not murder. The British could find no evidence whatsoever, and all the accused Turks were set free.) If a charge is untrue, it would be the duty of any honorable party to say it is untrue, after conducting the objective research necessary; that is, "denial" would be every honorable person's obligation.
Armenians: You are performing Armenian Genocide denial.
Turks: Armenian Genocide denial is a term used to cloud the historical facts. How would you like it if someone accused you, without evidence, of a crime you didn't commit? Would you not be engaging in a very loud denial?
Armenians: Uh... no....
by truthfully-yours May 24, 2008
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While in the process of pooping during sexual intercourse, a man allows his feces to secrete part of the way out of his anus. Once the desired length of out-of-butt poop is achieved, the man swings his feces into the face of the woman (or man) whom he is engaged in sexual acts with. His stool is then smeared upon the face of the woman (or man) whom was hit with the poop, creating a frothy mustache effect.
Steven: Did Joey grow a mustache?

Jeremy: No, John just gave him the Armenian tail whip.
by Moonsilver May 5, 2011
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Its armenian civil killer, armenian civil killers is killing Azerbaijani Civils. 4x bombed Ganja city.|

Hey, Armenia is killing civils! #StopArmenianTerrorism | Armenian civil killers
by Stop Dabanyaliyan! October 27, 2020
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When a apple on a stick is inserted into a nasty ass stinky ass vagina and is eaten by both partners.
My and my wife were hungry so i got an apple and a stick, and she spread her legs and we enjoyed an Armenian Candy Apple.
by Dr. Gobble-dick February 6, 2009
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