During sex the woman gives the man a boob job. When he is about to come he stands up. Then the girl pulls his dick down over her tits one at a time there for milking him. The trails over her boobs should look like a ski trails. The man then proceeds to lick of the semen of the boobs.
Joe: I gave my girl a milk utter ski slope cleaner.
Marry: What? I wish my boy would do that!
by HUE HUE HUE!! October 8, 2016
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The male version of an utter...
Damn that bull has some big g-utters..
by SilverTounge_BaddieBitch February 25, 2022
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when a girl or woman has to get in there and scratch her boobs.
man did you see that girl doin the utter shuffle?! it was actually kinda hot
by UncleNasty May 13, 2008
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Man who squeezes out apple juice from snake utters
Wow he’s a Utter-Squishier
by Kazoo Coop May 25, 2020
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The systematic failure of all technology required to perform a simple task
Dan: What's going on there?
Mel: Utter fucculence; first the email tried refusing an attachment, then it refused to send. Eric tried sms'ing it but his phone froze, which it's never done before.
by Brever February 9, 2023
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The long string of skin that hangs out off your butt that if you pull hard enough butt juice comes out and it will not stop I tell you drink G fuel
Holy krap look how long his butt utter is
by Highly meky January 13, 2020
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