The rather elaborate technique of being so busy that you delegate jobs to your peer when they come to check on you.
A near reversal to the term: "Volunpeered".

See also "kicking shit uphill" and "Turbotege".
Johann often demonstrates the art of Peer-suasion when setting up for an event.
by BooAmp March 2, 2020
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When you're just a little behind on your peers' interests and doings...
Man, I can't get over this peer lag. It's making me feel detached.
by HerrshOFate August 11, 2022
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What happens when the teacher is too lazy to check your submissions, so instead your classmates have to do it for you. Usually done during English classes, especially during drafts.
Arrogant, Annoying, Over-condescending English Teacher: Everyone, once you are finished with your first drafts, give them to a buddy for peer evaluation!

Student: Why don't you do it yourself?

Arrogant, Annoying, Over-condescending English Teacher: This is for your own good, so that you guys can help each other and give suggestions

Student: Aren't you just lazy? Why you always lyinnnnn
by fuckenglishdepartment December 3, 2015
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Peer Pressure from crypto bros to yolo your life savings on a Peer-To-Peer blockchain technology
Brad peer to peer pressured me into buying an non-fungible token of a 3 second looped video for the value of $500,000.
by remyhax April 19, 2021
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Wortplay on the scientific standard of peer review. When you're friend approve of someone or something.
I know this guy/girl is showing some serious red flags. But for now I'll cut him/her some slack, because he/she is peer approved.
by sebastian6129 September 2, 2022
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So many randoms tryna kill me right now! Peer's, smh
by xDgamerplayz September 30, 2022
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