being depressed to the point that you feel as if your limbs are weighted down
Joe: After Jane broke up with Jason he said he didn't feel like he could get off his couch for days.
Tom: Oh, yeah sounds like a classic case of leaden paralysis.
by tom_humdrum July 29, 2021
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The complete inability to think or speak that some people get when their phone call is answered by someone other than the person they tried to ring.

They seem so stunned by the fact that someone they called might momentarily be away from their desk, that they had never thought of a way to deal with such an eventuality.
John's colleague: "Hello, John Smith's phone.................Hello?

Caller: ", John not there?...."

John's colleague: "No, he's not about right now, can I take a message or something?"

Caller: ", can you ask him to call James at Acme? He's got my number"

John's colleague: "Will do, thanks.........(hangs up).....Jeez that dude had real phone paralysis!
by Urban Englander June 20, 2009
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The act of becoming incapable to make a decision or act upon sales due to feeling overwhelmed
I got so many promotional emails on Black Friday and had sale paralysis so I bought nothing.
by Smohr7 November 28, 2021
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The collective noun for a group of gatekeepers in any large organization, especially government. Typically range from policy-quoting front-line workers up to middle managers with no hope of promotion.
"My proposal was well received by anyone I spoke to about it, but now it's been stymied by a paralysis of bureaucrats."
by Dudge September 23, 2022
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An overwhelming feeling which prevents you from getting your chores done because there are too many of them. You don't know where to begin and what to get out of the way first. You stare at your 'to do' list unable to decide which burdensome task you should do first.

Similar to choice paralysis only the problem here isn't what flavour ice cream you want to wolf down but a number of boring tasks that have to get done so you can go back to enjoying life.
I wanted to go for a long walk to clear my head but instead found myself looking at my very long list of chores, unable to move a muscle. I was clearly suffering from a serious case of chore paralysis.
by Regolithium October 3, 2022
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An overwhelming feeling which prevents you from getting your chores done because there are too many of them. You don't know where to begin and what to get out of the way first. You stare at your 'to do' list unable to decide which burdensome task you should do first.

Similar to choice paralysis only the problem here isn't what flavour ice cream you want to wolf down but a number of boring tasks that have to get done so you can go back to enjoying life.
I wanted to go for a long walk to clear my head but instead found myself looking at my very long list of chores, unable to move a muscle. I was clearly suffering from a serious case of chore paralysis.
by Regolithium October 3, 2022
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Having to poop so hard you can't move.
A common occurrence of Prairie dogging it,goes hand in hand with fecal paralysis.
by Dan Jon March 3, 2016
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