“Have you seen .777.Ella post?”
“Omg yes she’s so pretty!!”
by July 2, 2023
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Ella mahony is a beautiful girl, all the guys want her but she has her heart set on one guy, she’s kind and won’t take any bullshit from anyone Ella mahony is truly a bad bitch
“Have u seen Ella mahony, I want to date her!!”
Back off Cody I want to date her”
by Spongebob is my daddy April 11, 2020
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A cool girl that everyone wants to be friends with. She is so pretty and makes everyone laugh. Married to Hamzah.
Omg is that Ella Mackie?
Yeah she’s a goddess.
by chaseruthercord September 17, 2021
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Ella Rothwell is the cutest girl in the world. And she is an amazing person. Anyone who knows her is very lucky.
You see Ella Rothwell over there. Yeah she is just amazing.
by Nivolcm January 5, 2021
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may come off as super sweet or super cute but is actually crazy in a good way. her sense of humor is bullying and even though i hate when she punches me repeatedly in my shoulder that has a ripped muscle you wouldn’t know what you’d do without it. sometimes cool and sometimes swag. cool style but perfectionist. funny and constantly has to pee, that girls bladder is tiny as hell. overall cool asf and would hang out with, 10/10 recommend for a best friend
“ella kokenes was being a sussy baka today.”
yeah i know.”
by astral_ April 26, 2021
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When you grind your teeth on cutlery while eating
Josie that noise is horrendous, you’re pulling an Ella!
by Chocolatemilkcereal September 27, 2022
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