It is when your electronic devices, or an electronic assistant behaves as if they are menstrual. The assistant is looking up bizarre search topics and not really hearing the commands clearly, or sending text messages to your friends and family that make little to no sense.
"Send a text message to Fran." "Ok what would you like it to say?". "I'm running a few minutes late, wait for me." "Ok text message says: I'm running great, fleas will be. Shall I send it?" "No." "Ok I'll send it."


My tablet is on its e-period this morning! I can't get to any of my photos. Why won't you work right?!
by Nariema June 27, 2014
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When everyone in the office rotates bad moods for a week at a time until the cycle starts all over again.
Wow! I went to the dentist's today and they were all in a bad mood. They were definitely experiencing an office period.
by amusedchimera January 2, 2019
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1. a person who starts drinking at 7 and is over it by 9
2. the person who is always tired of the fun
3. the one person who makes everyone else wanna slice their own throats

4. the decision maker when deciding that it's a good idea not to have fun
Chris Capone is such a party period, he ruins the whole weekend in twenty minutes.
by nicafreakinlillo April 24, 2010
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The stress you feel on your period not pre-period. The "PMS" without the "P" part. Inspired by a combination of showing teenage angst symptoms whilst on your period but no longer being a teenager.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout, I am just feeling a lot of period angst right now.
by G-snaps January 21, 2022
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A natural phenomenon known as the El Niño Period occurs about 2-5 times a year and is a period that is significantly more painful than the person's usual periods. Symptoms such as cramps, irritability, stomach pains, mood swings, headaches, food cravings, bloating, and more are heightened in intensity and worse than they usually are. Like El Niño, these periods are an anomaly occurring at irregular intervals characterized by unpredictable acts and instilling fear in those nearby.
Mannnn, this is definitely an El Niño period! I'm so angry, I threatened to run over an old man with my shopping cart because he was blocking the cheez-its and I have NO RAGRETS.
by bingbingbongbong February 25, 2016
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The span of historical time during which an organization enjoys the best personnel lineup it will ever have. The phrase derives from the name of the virtuoso lead guitarist of the Rolling Stones, 1969 to 1975.
The Micktaylor period of the Democratic Party ended in 1968, when the Kennedys and their organization permanently lost national power.
by James Corn Corn April 3, 2021
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