When guy gets shamed by wench cause his dick too big
Woman: Man you got no sensation in your dick because you fuck too many bitches!
FuckGuy: Wench first of all that is fuckboy shaming and second of all that is bullshit!!!
by Creator of Giga straight March 28, 2021
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Leaving someone's house the morning after while carrying a slow cooker full of yesterday's chili.
We had a wonderful night after the Super Bowl and he did the Crock of Shame in the morning
by CamShaft February 14, 2023
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When your Mexican partner eats something spicy, but fails to wash their hands thoroughly before they finger you.
"He had that spicy chicken sandwich, but he didn't wash his hand well, and it fucking BURNED when he fingered me! He gave me that Shameful Mexican."
by Britters de Magnolia July 8, 2022
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embarrassing people on how skinny they look
*finishes eating dinner*
*reaches for more potatoes"
Emily: "Slow down peppa pig! Are you really getting seconds, seriously?"
Me: "Are you seriously going to get ANOTHER HUSBAND? Slow down!"
by dunnowhatimdoinghere June 12, 2023
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A word mostly skinny people use towards overweight individuals just because they can eat as much food as they like and not care what they look like.
(Fat Shaming) Skinny person: Look at that fat bastard eating that double cheese burger!

Fat person: At least I get fed!!!!
by KingPoker96 June 18, 2022
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To shame people who have been vikinized (i.e. people who suffer from viking fever)
Woman 1: I really like this guy, he has these viking vibes!
Woman 2: Really!! But vikings were brutal and backwards. Why would you like that?!

Woman 1: Well the viking look is very sexy! Don't viking-shame me!
by Uncomfortable viking October 28, 2022
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The ability to find strength you didn't know you had until you see someone else lifting more than you at the gym. Particularly if your a male and its a female with more weight on.
I was only cleaning 145 until I saw Kristina using 170. My Shame strength kicked in and I got 175.
by 3mc August 27, 2014
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