a person that munches on dildo's or a term for a faggot ass loser bitch.
Rob: steven is such a fuckin dildo munch.
John: Werd he be munchin that dildo all day long.
by Rob and John January 27, 2009
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When a solid turd is used as a sexual accessory in lieu of the traditional dildo or vibrator, due to lack of money to purchase said sexual implements.
Wanda achieved orgasm behind the dumpster at Wendy's using a hobo dildo.
by Flatulent Reggie July 9, 2013
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What you call a Bucko straight outta Buckinghamshire that looks like a goat straight outta farm and just loves his sex toys.
Sham that Ben guy is such a Dildo goat
by Mr Spunk March 19, 2016
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It's pretty self explanatory....
Jake's dad: jake is riding the god damn Dildo bike down the road again!

Jake's mom: god I really should have shot him while I had the chance...
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A complete over zealous nitwit. Short, hairy in all the weirdest places and bald. A peon of a little man put on earth to piss people off, so much so, you feel the need to glue a giant dildo to his front door for being such a fucktard. Acts like he's smarter than most but lacks common sense and says the dumbest shit. Tries too hard to fit in and comes off as gay, metrosexual or challenged. Proud to drive a gold Honda crv hand me down from daddy.
Awe man look at that, Billy has a giant dildo stuck to his front door! He must have been a dildo Dave last night and someone got tired of his stupid shit.
by Skndstry702 February 24, 2022
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When you intentionally throw up to loose weight. A Fad diet started by Tyra Banks.
Man I just ate so many saltines I had to go and buckle up the dildos to make room for birthday cake.
by Geoff C. May 18, 2019
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Similar to the phrase "let us pray" but rather "lettuce dildo" it is often stated to mark the beginning of a rather large orgy.
Adam begins, "I would like to welcome everyone to this 8 person orgy", Adam then holds up the dildo with both hands and states, "lettuce dildo" To which marks the official beginning of the orgy.
by Ohfuckthat11 October 3, 2017
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