A person who, in thought, can cook food like a real human being, but never the less being a brain dead retard whom you might want to punch in the face shortly after employment starts and can't
We've just hired a new semi-gourmet cook! Hes GREAT, but ide like to punch the hack, wanna be mac and cheese cook in the face.

Semi gourmet cooking with Sandra Lee (reference the food network)
by Chef omega November 3, 2010
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The act of putting food inside ones anus and shaking it until cooked
Barney: Yo are we Jiggle Cooking tonight?
Ted: Yeah I can get the carrots but only if Marshall helps you get the steak in your ass
by Olegard April 19, 2022
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she is a god, she is a cheerleader and is absolutely stunning but calls herself a rat. She does track and is one fast pepper!!! she is hilarious and amazing and if u ever need talk to someone, talk to savannah. she may be in drama sometimes but she isn’t toxic. She is blonde or brunette

catch phrases: GET NAY NAYED
Luke Cocoran: Savannah cook will u go out with me?

Savannah cook: YES! get nay nayed chelsea!!!!
by delanawasnthere November 7, 2019
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Giving someone a chance to do something impressive.
Guy 1: Dude this guy is so bad at this game!
Guy 2: Wait just let him cook..
by 6lock August 17, 2023
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Cryptocurrency slang used by absolute CHAD's who work for their bags! Originated from the Solana meme coin $COOK.
Hold up... Let him cook!
Those who $COOK shall prosper.
by $COOK May 12, 2024
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To let him/her cook is to let them concentrate deeply on performing a certain activity. It is usually when they are doing it at a high speed or doing sometimes ingenious

1) Concentrate deeply on performing a certain activity

> The activity is being done at a high speed
> The activity requires intellectual, physical, mental, social, economical, financial or social skills
Friend: Yo can you do my English homework
Me: aight sure
Other Person: *comes in* Hey guys want some food
Me: *finishing 5000 word essay in 10 minutes*
Friends: nah let him cook
by Psude 'Nim June 8, 2024
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