an awesome rapper that u can find on Spotify
person 1. yo have you heard rich dunk yet

person 2. no
person 1. u should tho
by October 17, 2021
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someone who is “balls rich” is just a person who has money in their pocket, bank acct, etc... it could be a dollar or a hundred dollars but still balls rich, as the length of the pocket lines up with ya balls.
Person: He looks balls rich but he ain’t got a job.

Friend: how does he do it?!
by brettirl December 12, 2018
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a group of people made wealthy by the wrongful death of someone and subsequent payout by the offending party.
The Clampets, a family of poor farmers, certainly moved up in the world because they became necro riche when they got a payout from a big agribusiness company that had been polluting the waters upstream from their land.
by Steven W. E. March 13, 2021
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When sad people feel poor so they mistakenly buy an iPhone to look rich.
"Bret was embarrassed about being poor so he bought an iPhone because he heard they make you look rich. He's feeling rich now that he's iPhone rich."
by Vicky Vegas May 16, 2020
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A person who lives the lavish lifestyle while always having money!
Bro look at Josh, he looks so expensive !

Dude Josh has rich habits, he always looks like this!
by CoolkatKattie December 31, 2021
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Yuly is a person from pokemeow she is very humble and likes to keep her net value private but she has at least 2b+ in pokecoins
Did y’all know Yuly rich is a thing now?
by Traxxxps June 12, 2021
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