A girl who can brighten your day with the thought of her in your head. She tends to have brown eyes and a perfect smile. Usually has a laugh that makes you want to laugh too. Her personality is amazing and and her heart is in the right place. She is BEAUTIFUL. When you meet a girl like this you'll never want to leave her side.
by I like you a lot! December 22, 2013
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oh lord. where do we start? this Nina be STANK. she'll usually have crusted-up green mascara in her inner eyeball socket, and fondly uses the well-known jade roller. She's a boo jean. And a teen wearing skinny jean. Her favorite show is Food Wars on netflix. She looks like a string bean if it birthed mort from Madagascar, and smells like a rose. Her favorite author is AYN rand. She aspires to be a pink lady TM. Boys see her in the hall, ones with mesh and say, "DAYum! tetas."
Boy 1 (Mesh): Talia (Lulu) got a big ol crust, I want to eat it and see her ugi.
Boy 2 (Dove Soap): Stay away from my angle you imposta!
by peachesoutingeorgiaDD October 6, 2021
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Talia is the biggest clown ever. Shes nice but a CLOWN. She also has a peen. A BIG peen.
Boy#1: That girl Talia Cortese is lowkey hot
Boy#2: yea but she has a peen.
Boy#3; Its bigger than all of ours combined!
by taltaltal October 24, 2019
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a random person who you will always love she is an amazing person lovable, kind, funny, weird, random all these things make any Talia or a Tucker a amazing person or even both. Someone you'll never want to lose and if you do trust me you'll regret it she's loyal, beautiful and amazingly fabulous! never lose this girl!!!
WOW look it's Talia Tucker i heard she is an amazing girl!!
by Sapphire Wolf May 15, 2017
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most prettiest person alive 😈💪🏼💪🏼
by September 12, 2021
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A girl who is self centered and doesn’t care about anyone else. She can be a real bitch but has 10% of a good side
by Fbrowdbris May 2, 2020
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