A person that wants their kids to Die

Also known as pro disease
also a reppellent for the opposite gender
1. yo seen that girl there
2. yeah
1. imma go date her
1. she is an anti-vaxxer

2. well fuck
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an anti vaxxer is an idiot
me;r u an anti vaxxer
me;pulls out a gun
by ur moms secret bitch March 24, 2021
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An unbelievably idiotic absolute failure of a human being, that is so incredibly stupid that they refuse to use modern medicine and instead use candles and oils and bullshit then die from an easily preventable disease, because they are a misshapen bag of doorknobs with less iq than the average cockroach.
by Le potat September 10, 2021
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Anti-vaxxers are people who believe vaccines are dangerous and actually give you the disease they are fighting off or just believe vaccines are dangerous in general. The first reason why anti-vaxxers started thinking like this is that a FRAUDULENT doctor claimed there was a link between MMR and Autism, from an experiment between 12 children. That doctor has been fired. There have now been studies of over 1,000,000 children and there has been no link between MMR and Autism...
Anti-vaxxers are not smart people
by jshssh August 17, 2020
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A Person who doesn't believe in Modern Medicine and gets Information from a 64 year old with a tin hat.
That Karen is a Anti-Vaxxer
by Cambodia1132 June 1, 2021
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Why is he stupid? Because he's an anti-vaxxer.
by PomuHub September 7, 2021
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Anti vaxxers are dumb middle aged Karen's who will kill their own children becuase they will die of either polio, measles, meningitis, tetanus etc because they didn't play their role as a parent to protect them and will be crying "WHY DIDN'T I LISTEN TI THE EXPERTS; WHYYYYYYYY????!!!!!!" 😭😭😭. Then they will end up blaming their anti vax best friend who spilled out their ill informed premise to them.
by Rotten Turkey March 16, 2021
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