A term used to describe someone who is acting acoustic or just plain fucking stupid.
Person 1: “Ignorance is a side effect of anger”
Person 2: “I’m not ignoring u”
Person 1: “You’re such an acoustic turtle
by Totally not Eric_Bob November 12, 2017
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When a person relieves themselves without the use of a toilet, such as in a forest.
I acoustic pissed outside my house, but I was seen my neighbor.
by Kenjatime69 July 4, 2021
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Repeating the same song over and over at a high decibel for the purpose of torture.
Tiffany:"Did you hear what Tracy did to Will last nite?" Carrie: "No, what?" Tiffany: "Well, he is always teasing her about her taste in music, so, she playfully lured him into the bedroom and handcuff him to the bed with the intent of acoustic bombardment!" Carrie: "Shut up!" Tiffany: "Seriously! She put Ants Marching on a loop, super loud, and left him there for hours of torture!" Carrie: "Get Out!"
by inkgirl February 27, 2010
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The unique sound produced by farting and shitting while sitting on the toilet.
Sharon’s morning bout of death-dealing bowl acoustics let everyone that she had gone out for Thai food the night before.
by Done it all dave December 5, 2022
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