The feeling of utter ecstasy when you let out a toilet-snake that's been brewing all day (or possibly longer). Side-effects include dizziness, drowsiness, empty thoughts, and most of all, euphoria.
Person 1: Jesus christ, man, are you okay? Are you having a bad case of Post-shit Paralysis?
Person 2: Haha.... yeah.... i-i'm fiiine. *(promptly falls asleep)*
by GimmickConnections March 26, 2021
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A sight you see paralyzed while sleeping, usually scary af
My Sleep Paralysis Demon is garfield
by gamerboy2742 August 13, 2019
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Post nut paralysis is the physiological phenomenon that occurs after one busts such a huge nut that you feel your full body to limp for the following 3-8 seconds. Thsi results in the individual lying in the skud unable to move. This is often joined by post nut clarity (PNC)
“Yo Kyle what’s up bro?”
“I’m not good man, busted a fat nut last night and got that post nut paralysis (PNP) then my mum walked in to see me lying in the nude and I Couldn’t move to cover myself up”

“Hahah that PNP done you dirty”
by LikelyLs16 May 17, 2019
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Those several moments of temporary paralysis just after you realize you just sent the filthiest joke / dirtiest pictures / inappropriate comment / via any electronic method, to the one person you would never want to.
Example A:

You: Looking at "Hot Bubbles.wmv" "That's hilarious, I'll send that to Bob"


You sit there with your mouth open realizing you just sent it to Bob your BOSS, not your cool friend Bob.

You're screwed. You are a victim of Sender Paralysis (via IM / Email or Text). You can't move or speak.

Example B:

You: "Hi Mom yeah we had great weekend at the beach; I'll send some pictures, luv ya, bye."

You scroll through your phone and select a few shots and....
you realize you just sent a picture of yourself pleasing your boyfriend on the ride home while while he's driving.

The look on your face frozen in terror is Sender Paralysis.

Usually subsides after a week of shame and humiliation. Take two laughing coworkers, a healthy dose of guilt from your Mom and call your shrink.
by jbcrazy88 April 2, 2010
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Very horrible. It is diagnosed when you have simped too hard online and in public! The only cure is to REDACTED.
Bro, I heard that Jeremy got diagnosed with Simp Paralysis.
by UnoKage June 9, 2020
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A disorder that prevents teachers from performing their job competently.

See teach impediment.
My teacher suffers from pedagogical paralysis. That is why I aren't can speak goodly.
by Jack Atrophy August 9, 2022
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