When the person you've been texting with all night just goes to bed, unannounced. Usually because they've been drinking.
Janice had 6 40s while we were texting last night, and then just went silent and gave me the ole Irish Goodnight
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National Kiss Your Homies Goodnight Day occurs on the 24th December. A day to express one's love and affection for the homies.
'It's National Kiss Your Homies Goodnight Day! For homie, no homo!'
by Lexy Luthy October 18, 2020
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Celebrated on November 5th, the National Holiday of Kissing Your Homies Goodnight is a recently added U.S. holiday in which every homie must kiss at least one homie goodnight.
Ayo, it’s National Kiss Your Homie Goodnight Day, kiss me for the one time.
by @steezydarrin November 2, 2020
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words to tell your gamer bros goodnight after a long day of trolling, gaming, and other "what the dog doin" shenagnnigans. do not say this to william he will go psycho i guess
also stylized as "gng"
"what the dog doin what you know about rollin down ithe deep femboy lol gay gay penis (sal does fart things)"
'ayo imma go to bed"
"goodnight gaming"
by sussarbakar June 6, 2021
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When you poke your dick into a vagina at the end of a date
Jack gave Ellie a goodnight dick after the date and they ended up in bed the next morning with only underwear on.
by DickGirl January 8, 2020
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When a man jizzes in their partner's mouth but then kisses them before they swallow. Hence, kissing his kids (his seed) goodnight before they go down for a nap in their partner's belly.
Brad: Dawg, you won't believe what Stella did to me last night, shit was disgusting!
Chad: No way bro tell me
Brad: I thought she swallowed but she made me kiss the kids goodnight
Chad: that's fucking heinous bradtato chip. break up with her!
by vapemeister420 December 8, 2022
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When you just destroyed or absolutely obliterated someone in a video game.
"You just got 1 tapped goodnight"

"3 quickscopes in a row, goodnight"

Enemy:"Your not even good" *gets killed by you*
You: "Goodnight"
by Zwosii September 14, 2020
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