Sister of Michael and Gaberial Verdecia

Bella Webber was a young girl with a big heart and an even bigger imagination. She loved to play and explore, but one day, while she was playing near the shore, she was captured by a mysterious figure.

As she was taken to a secret underground lair, Bella realized that her captor was none other than Mr. Krabs, the grumpy crab from her favorite TV show. At first, she was confused and didn't know what to do, but then she remembered the lessons she learned from her favorite characters and decided to fight back.

Despite being small, Bella was very strong-willed and clever. She spent her days in the dungeon looking for a way to escape, and finally, she found it. She discovered a small opening in the wall and used her quick thinking to devise a plan.

When Mr. Krabs was away on a supply run, Bella put her plan into action. She quietly made her way to the opening and squeezed through, crawling on her hands and knees until she emerged on the other side.

Bella ran as fast as she could back to her home, where she told her parents and the authorities about her adventure. A rescue mission was quickly organized, and Mr. Krabs was captured and brought to justice.

Bella's bravery and quick thinking inspired others, and her story spread quickly throughout the land. She became known as the girl who escaped the clutches of Mr. Krabs, and her name was forever remembered as a symbol of hope and courage.
by jackseptikai February 4, 2023
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Bella Gaghen is a very very short person, she has hazel eyes and brown hair. She is one of the funniest people outta her friend group. When you are said she will always put a smile on your face. She has a boyfriend. Instead of artistic she’s autistic that’s what all her friends say but she really isn’t she just has a good sense of humor. She will never let you down when you first meet her she won’t be like everyone else she will make her self comfortable around you even when she first meets you she is super pretty that’s what all her friends tell her but she will deny it! So whatta do baby boo! Is what she says all the time from here on out.
Bella gaghen is pretty but her herself doesn’t think so.
by Bella Gaghen November 28, 2018
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Bella Mula is pretty
“Bella Mula is pretty
by Amelialover53646 June 3, 2023
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Instagram caption: << bellas before fellas>>

John: hey wanna go on a date tonight?
Stephany: sorry, i go on a pijama party. Bellas before fellas ^_^
by Lorelai lisbon June 9, 2020
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Elisa Bella veliz is a person who is very nice and kind she is a very smart, loyal, and amazing friend. Elisa Bella veliz likes to go by Bella if you have a Bella in your life don't let go of her, because she's one of a kind. Bella will help you out no matter what, and if you ever get sad or overthink about something Bella will be there to help you out, she will be by your side no matter what. Bella is the best friend you can ever ask for.
Elisa Bella veliz helped me get trough my problems.
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