Someone that only has sex or hooks up with a vagina of a certain race or color.

Refer to: Penis Racist
Courtney asked Kirk if he likes black women. He replied 'No, only white women, I'm a vagina racist'.

Sure she good looking, has nice teeth, makes a lot of money, is independent and listens to country music. But I'm not banging that chick because I'm a vagina racist!
by April 7, 2021
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A Console racist is a person who thinks a that one specific gaming system is the best.
Hey that guy John is a total Console racist, he thinks Wii u is better than Xbox one and PS4. LOL what a n00b.
by Natbuscus911 June 16, 2014
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A person, usually white, who becomes racist after constantly hearing propaganda like "it's not okay to be white," "check your white privilege," or "all whites are evil oppressors."

Prior to experiencing constant race bashing, they are usually normal non-racist people. Afterwards, they go into a "rage mode" and decide to fight racism with more racism.
Hillbilly: Cletus over there used to love experiencing other cultures, but after watching CNN he's become oddly concerned about demographics and the future of "his white heritage."

Redneck: Must be a Rage Mode Racist. It's hard to not be racist, when it seems like everyone is racist to you. Doesn't make it right.
by i8toast7 July 1, 2020
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Damn anthony you a stealth racist. Dem negros didnt even know.
by -S41- August 15, 2021
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Someone who treats birds as if they are an inferior species simply because they are a different species.
They were so rude to my bird, I think they might be a bird racist.
by the lesbian next door :) April 25, 2021
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A racism that is common to black and whit sock
Sock racist Ayyy you my black thang is better than yo white ass socks
by Pyralisfirecat December 23, 2017
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