A person court ordered to attend AA meetings who never speaks and stays only long enough to get their slip signed by the chair person.
"Hi, I'm Jim and I'm an alcoholic. I'd just like to listen today."

"Slip signer," the rest of the room thinks in unison.
by Skid Mark VZ December 9, 2008
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When u eat a lot of greasy Pizza Hut, then the next day take a shit, but the shit is so greasy you accidentaly stick your finger in your butt.
Hey honey, smell my finger I just had The Pizza Hut slip

Johnny returned from the bathroom with a violated look on his face

Friend: Hey buddy, What happened?

Victim: I had The Pizza Hut slip
by Vice420 June 13, 2021
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In psychoanalysis, a jerry slip is an off branch of the Freudian slip, and refers to the miscalculation of a physical action that occurs due to the calling of nature.
"Did you hear about that one year 8 boy who took a dump off the high ropes at camp?"
"Yeah, call that a Jerry slip."
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(n.) When autocorrect constructs a Freudian slip on your behalf.
via text
Person 1: I'm so horny I could eat a wiener.
Person 2: ???
Person 1: Sorry, stupid autocorrect. I meant hungry. Want to get hot dogs later?
Person 2: Sounds like a droidian slip to me....
by jesuswasawoman May 2, 2020
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bribing someone $20 for something fucking stupid
Tim: Aw fuck i failed the test
Derek: no worries mate, just slip him a lobster and he will let you pass
by bosss1244222 December 8, 2013
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Similar to a Freudian Slip, except the word or phrase that is spoken is seemingly completely random and the speaker wasn't thinking about it at all
Guy 1: "Did I say paper duck? Sorry haha, Freudian slip. I meant crane. She made a paper crane."
Guy 2: "Why were you subconsciously thinking of ducks?"
Guy 1: "I really don't think I was."
Guy 2: "Then it can't have been a Freudian slip. Let's call it a Flitzwickian slip."
by BladeMaster001 June 10, 2023
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When Andy drugs a person “usually well endowed” then puts his lips around your penis!
Old fuck cheese slipped me a mickey every night this month!

Slip a mickey
by CaptainStabbins74 January 2, 2020
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