Fan-freakin-tabulous is a description word. It is an intensive form of the word fabulous and fantasic. The freakin in the middle heightens the word and implies the extreamity of the object or subject described. It simply implies that something was super great. You can use the abbreviation FFT.
The concert was fan-freakin-tabulous(FFT).
This holiday was fan-freakin-tabulous or just say it was: (FFT).
I am in a fan-freakin-tabulous (FFT) state of mind.
I'm in the mood for some FFT lovin!
by Lerina July 12, 2006
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a phrase used by awesome ppl trying to be awesomer if thats possible. also means cool.
oh that back flip was totally freakin awesome, yo.
by KKenZZZ February 16, 2009
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1. A person who Shamelessly steals your chicken nuggets

whether you are, or are not looking.

2. An innocent act of act of friendly ness associated by hunger
An example of this would be sitting at McDonald's with a

group of friends, and theirs always that one person

who feels that have to reach into your food even though

they have their own food.

well whatever food that it is that they take from you,

they would then be given the title, Freakin "(food name)" Theif :)

or in this case, Freakin Chicken Nugget Theif :)
by Rawzland Alexander August 4, 2010
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Fan-freakin-tabulous is a description word. It is an intensive form of the word fabulous and fantasic. The freakin in the middle heightens the word and implies the extreamity of the object or subject described. It simply implies that something was super great. You can use the abbreviation FFT.
The concert was fan-freakin-tabulous (FFT).
This holiday was FFT.
I am in a fan-freakin-tabulous state of mind.
I'm in the mood for some FFT lovin!
by Lerina July 10, 2006
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A more extreme version(indicating more laughterness) of LMAO.

Considered, by some discerning gamesters, to indicate MORE laughterness than even LMFAO!

The word, 'freakin' may also be substituted with other 'f' words such as, 'flippin' 'flappy' or 'fuckin'
Its' all a matter of personal preference, imo!
Simplyknitting> Oh shit! I just attacked my freakin Thorn neighbour instead of that lvl 5 npc! Typed the wrong coords in!

Gobbledegook> lol you dumb ass noob, sk! ROFL and Laugh My Freakin Pants Off :)

mighty cale>Awww SK! But yeah, GG, i just gotta LMFPO too! *sigh now we gotta get sk outta the shit!*

It has also been known too add the word 'big' and/or 'Smelly' into the mix. I feel this is quite acceptable i.e. Laugh My Freakin Big Smelly Pants Off.

Other variations may include the use of a relatives' pants:-

Laugh My Mothers Freakin Big Flappy Pants Off

Laugh My Sisters' Smelly Pants Off

Laugh My Grandads' Freakin Smelly Big Flappy Pants Off

But it can all get a bit out of hand and become too cumbersome! LMGFSBFPO! :)
by SimplyKnitting July 16, 2010
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'Ach du Lieber Himmel' is the way Germans say, "Oh, for the love of heaven!" Add, "Freakin'," and that's a curse you'll hear me say all the time. Dunno' why. Just do. Has a certain ring...
"Fa-shi-fur-fra - Ach du Freakin' Lieber Himmel!"
by Sean Brian Kirby October 4, 2005
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something to say when you go to a private seventh day adventist school and you can't say "oh my god"
allie couldn't believe it so she said "oh my freakin coloured pencils!" (cause she saw some lying on the desk)...(true story, by the way...)
by Allie <3 July 19, 2006
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