to not have a clue.
to have no idea.
to be lacking knowledge in said subject
Scott: Yo dude, did you see that swamp-slinger? He was wearing stripes with plaids. He dont gots a clue!
by Christopher Morris April 17, 2008
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1. To move from one place to another in such a fashion.

2. A sexual activity that currently remains without definitive meaning.
1. "I'm going to Blues Clues Skidoo to the store for some groceries!"

2. "I'm gonna Blues Clues Skidoo all over you."
by T. Boone Pickenns August 9, 2013
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She has no clue.
Brian:"any ideas?"
Morgyn:"I have no clue."
Brian:"She has no clue."
by Brian4reel December 8, 2016
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Rebels without brains are:
-Rich bitches who have no sense of the culture of Punk Rock as a whole and have no clue where it originates from. They only see it as a style rather than this lost lifestyle.(I blame the fashion industry)
-Pseudo-vigilantes who have no clue what they're rebelling against as a blind drunk runs aimlessly towards battle. No goal, no purpose. Just flat-out stupid. Usually do not know what anarchy consists of. And are usually Mormons who listen to The Used and other mainstream sort of bands.
Bitch1:Yo, this music is so raw, it's like saying "fuck you" to the cooperate world!
Bitch2:Your cell phone's ringing...
by schmuck October 27, 2003
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A gang of fine ass girls who smoke the herd everyday. they dont fuck around with anyone. they think of themselves as the new age italian maffia. they are not afraid to put you in your place and they will damn sure out smoke any other gang out there. their rival gang is the party rock crew. there color is blue. they are taking over this country so all you pussys best watch your self.
girl-did you hear the Blues Clues Crew is coming to our town

other girl- oh shit we betta run, the Blues Clues Crew dont fuck around.
by BCC_Paula. July 12, 2010
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When someone does something really awesome or really stupid and you have to drop one of DJ Clues iconic bombs on them
by King Deadpool September 4, 2021
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haveing sex with a really fat bird {beached whale}the type of bird you wouldnt like to go on top!!!
i went out the other day and pulled a fat bird and she was fat and i mean fat!!! i was trying to get my dick in her but couldnt find her hole so i had to say to her fart and give me a clue love
by AGnumbnuts November 24, 2011
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