When someone is waiting for a red light to change, and they keep inching forward a little at a time until the light changes and they can take off.
"Dude, quit creepin' the light. It will change soon enough!"
"I had to pee so bad that I was creepin' the light in order to get here faster."
by acehole15 April 17, 2010
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1. The act of listening or going through another person's iPod or MP3 player and hearing a song that you like, and then adding it to your MP3 player. The song is usually one that you know but have not heard in a while.

2. The act of hearing a new song on a friend's iPod or MP3 and asking for the name of it as if you've heard it before, only to go and add it to your MP3 player. When you pod creep, you don't give credit to the original song finder.
1. Nick: "Oh, I can't believe he has Big Pimpin on his iPod. I totally forgot about that song!"

2. Meghan: "Oh! What's the name of this song again?"
Valerie: "My Humps."
Meghan: "Oh yeah. That's right... (adds song to iPod)
Valerie: "She's always Pod Creepin."
by puffswithlosh August 10, 2010
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Workin and Creepin is the act of doing whatever your job is while also being a creep. A job could be anything from having sex to just doing your everyday 9 to 5 job. While at the same time creepin.
Ex. A principal who tries to flirt with students is workin and creepin.

Ex.2: a police officer who will let someone go if they show some skin is workin and creepin.

Josh: dude, did you see those people having sex in the tent last night?
Robert: And the rest of us were creepin up on them!
Tim: Yeah they were workin and creepin.

Principal: sarah you have an extra large rump.
Laura: wow he is workin and creepin
by king of creep June 9, 2010
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Creepin' oil- the remnants of the smell of your girls vagina left on you fingers.
Got your hand away from me! Your fingas smell like creepin' oil!! Smell like you been eating oysters!!!
by O2Princess May 23, 2023
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When a creepy dude comes up behind you scaring the living daylights out of you. He may stroke you from behind, maybe accidentally on purpose and then say oh I'm sorry my paw slipped.
When you tell your friend or sister to help! Thad dude is a creeping kangaroo. A creepin kangaroo male stroking a female kangaroo"s tail at the zoo.
by Madame Breaux psychic October 13, 2020
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