A kiss only the flowers of a garden could give you 💕
The new blossom gave me the garden kisses I so truly admire 💕
by Foreverlonelyyy March 31, 2023
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A town full of snobby, nasty, white kids who think they're better than everyone. The women in this town are ugly, stupid, white women who look down on minorities. The men are rude, fat guys who drink their lives away. The kids are horrible. They mostly come from white, republican, catholic families and scared of minorities. They're all racist and evil. Bottom Line: Garden City is a terrible place for people of color.
Boy 1: "Yo, did you hear about those stupid white bitches that died yesterday?"
Boy 2: "Yeah, those dummies were from Garden City.:
by FuckGardenCity February 25, 2022
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Joe had his legs blow off when he accidentally walked into the Devil’s Garden.
by Literal Lucifer October 25, 2019
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Tasty Garden is the generic-ass name of a generic-ass Chinese takeout place. Alternatively, this generic-ass name can also be used as a nickname for pussy (bonus points if you use it while referring to an Asian's sausage koozie)
Guy 1: Imma get some Tasty Garden tonight.
Guy 2: Congrats, man!

Guy 1: I'm talking about takeout, not snatch.
Guy 2: I know. I just really love Chinese food.
by Anonymous900000000000000 December 16, 2016
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Someone who uses urine to water various plants on the side of the road at night

Generally when intoxicated an unable to hold it for the duration of the trip
Passenger: I need to water the crops right now dude
Driver: You’re always such a night gardener
Passenger: I need to go now pull over to that to that ditch
by The Dirty Rafe January 2, 2023
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The 6 inchers
Oscar’s are good at geometry dash and getting bods

Jimmy’s are good at looking like a demented bookcase and love milliebobbybrownandmore
I saw a Jimmy Garden, Oscar Hay Bale

Wow! Did you know they have a 6 inch juicy willy

Yeh I sucked Jimmy Garden’s last night and I licked his photoshopped abs.
by Jimmy garden March 23, 2021
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