Girls between the ages of 9-17. They have low self esteem so they try to follow as many trends as they can to fit in with the crowd. They spend most of their lives gossiping on facebook and twitter about Miley Cyrus, Kanye and, etc. They have lost ability to think for themselves and usually threaten to kill whoever makes fun of their favorite pop artist. They think they are older than what they are and most of them get pregnant before they turn 18 because of shitty pop artists like Justin Bieber who think they know about love.
by bjshepp December 16, 2010
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Immature girls aged 10-16 with sqeaky voices and stupid fashion sense. Usually travel in packs of other teeny boppers and are seen in mini skirts with tshirts that say "princess" or "i'm hot and you're not". They use the word 'like' at least 6 times in one sentence and pretend they have boyfriends to fit in. Usually flat chested, stupid girls who carry handbags over their shoulders and attend pop outings to try to look cool. Are seen with at least one pink clothing item and dont leave the house without their mobiles. People outside the teeny bopper bracket think they are the most annoying beings on earth.
"omg check out those stupid girls over there. That one's like 10 and she's saying 'like' 300 times on her mobile"
"yeah they're the new generation of teeny boppers."
by Sienna Louise July 20, 2009
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Teeny Boppers are usally quite girly and glam (trying to be) or Wemo (wanna be emo) or a Poser of some sort.

1. The girly pretty princess noncense is very much envyed by many teens, teeny boppers are usally about 9 to 13 in my case.The girly boppers think the world of there self and think they are also as 'cool' as the popular gangs. They go on IM alot (MSN). Mostly they speak like this:

1 They can't finish a sentence with out like 1 like million like likes....

2 ThEy ThInK ItS wAy CoOl tO uSe DiFfErEnT

3 Some tend to use smiley faces like:

+ = :) *_* and so on to only teeny boppers do so though (its sort of a trend hehe!)

4 They Love bands that are mainstream and disney music such as HSM (High School Musical) JoBros (Jonas Brothers) And Hannah Montanna (miley Cyrus). They do not usallylike the music for its talent normally (i stress normally) for the music thats 'in'

Type Two 2 Teeny Boppers

Yes, I dread but its the WEMO's for ones that don't know what this is its wanna be emo/Scenes/Goths and Punks.Not all 9-13 kids are Teeny Boppersor WEMO's but if they are failing badly yu can tell for example;

Try to be sad to fit in
Try to wear Black to fit in
Or just think they are all it by saying im a Punk_*Princess* kiss kiss blahh blahh... and try o have silly girly scene names.
but again some 9-13 are not posers!

To some it up there are to different types of teeny Boopers but not all are what they seam andjust because someone uses x or _ doesnt mean they are a TB
Teeny Boppers(): Hey Like OMG!!!...!111Im so like finking MCR is so like In like HAWTT!x=3 init girlly friend coe onhunzcYaxXxxOMFG!!x
Scene GIrl your Perfetic..
TB like omg i can'tbeliev that like im so hot like im nine and like i have myspace blahh blahh blahh
Scene *walks away* Mutters to self....

Not everyones lie that rubbish example hehe!=P.s not every Teeny Bopper is nine with a Myspace i am Rubbish with exaples
by SophLovesRenT January 15, 2009
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Teeny Bopper can be guy or girl. They're usually with their "clique"; the one who they always hang out with. Majority of the teeny boppers are young teens. They're usually up to no good. Trouble, trouble, trouble. Never home, loud, live around rumors, and gossip. Have nothing better to do but talk about others, and think about themselves. Usually followers, not leaders. Teeny boppers are well known around town; What they do, did, done, you name it.
Teeny boppers;
Middle schooolers,
Freshmens, & Sophomores.
by beaautiful November 20, 2008
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Teeny Boppers are a crowd of girl(s) who have huge obsessions with the biggest sensations: Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Twilight, ect. They tend to write childish comments on blogs and fourms. They also like Hollywood couples such as: Niley (Miley Cyrus and Nick Jonas), Nelena (Selena Gomez and Nick Jonas), Jemi (Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas) and ect. And tend to fight with those who dislike the Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato.
Teeny Boppers:

Girl 1: OMG!!! i luv Miley Cyrus she's soo pretty and i luv her music!!!!
Girl 2: ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG hav u heard her new single it's just awesome!!!! miley is the best singer ever!!!!

Girl 2: MARRY ME NICK!!!!!!!
Girl 1: Selena Gomez is soo pretty and a wonderful actress :)))
by alternative September 2, 2009
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moronic pretten girls who love boy bands and terrible pop music. They should be grouped up and brutally murdered, cause they are responsible for killing music, and turning respectable girls into whores.
Teeny Boppers are worse than emo, no wait their both bad.
by Mr. Zimpy December 20, 2009
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Girls about nine or ten years old that look like mini scene chicks and run around wearing their mom's fake pearls and bright pink tutu's with green striped stockings.

The best two things to ever happen to them was Jesse McCartney and Switchfoot.

They try to act like they're special when in all actuality, they're just acting like their poser older sisters.
Karren kicked a bunch of teenie boppers out of the coffee shop yesterday.
by marsvoltalover19 April 25, 2006
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